Staying Behind.

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"So I'm being left behind because?" Taka, Sakura and Naruto were all stood in Tsunade's office, as Taka was asking why he was the one being left behind, after he had gotten the information about Sasori's spy in the first place. "Put simply, your mental state. I've been reading the report, and heard what you did to Sasori. You didn't just beat him, you used him to make a point Taka, and I can't have someone like that, doing missions for the village. Not until they've gone through a full psychological evaluation." As soon as Tsunade finished Taka was already gritting his teeth, anger clear in his eyes, and Tsunade was almost looking at him apologetically. Which meant..."You're a liability to this village, not to mention, you weren't even born here. You were merely invited by Hiruzen, and chose to stay under that weak hearted idiots blessing" Came the authoritative voice of Danzo from the doorway, flanked by the artist Sai. So he's the reason. "That why you've had people following me around the whole time, you and your little Anbu pets?!" The temperature suddenly took a plunge down to below freezing, and Taka's eyes were raging ablaze with fire, but he relented. He wasn't going to rise to this senial old fools bait, no that's what he would want.

So without skipping a beat, the temperature began rising back again, and Taka slowly approached the old man, and began adjusting his attire, whilst Sai stood ready for any funny business. "I'm not going to rise to your silly little game Danzo, I'll prove to you that I'm stable, that I can keep myself in check. That I don't need any signs or symbols, to keep my emotions locked away." He mused softly, in a soothing calm manner, as he looked across at Sai. "You should get your tongue checked out, it's a little swollen." With that he hopped onto the window ledge, and turned to face the crowd that were looking at him. "Who do I need to see, and where do I need to go?" He said aloud for anyone to answer, but of course it was Tsunade that spoke. "Inoichi Yamanaka, and you're to go to the Yamanaka residence. He already knows you'll be due round there soon Taka, so best not keep him waiting." With a nod of his head, Taka then leapt from the window ledge, and left the others to plan their mission without him. "Fuck that Danzo!" Taka screamed out once he was out of sight of anybody. "That slimy little fucker will get what's coming to him."

Not long after his rant, Taka made his was to the Yamanaka compound and proceeded to knock on the door. Waiting patiently to be let in by someone....anyone, he had been standing there for 10 minutes now, and had knocked more than a few times with no answer. Where the hell was he? "Oh Taka! Why are you at the Yamanaka's?" Taka looked up, and saw Chōji munching on a large bag of chips, a warm smile graced his face. "Well, I was ordered to by the Hokage. Seems certain people don't think I'm mentally stable, so she sent me here, to get my mind checked out by Inoichi." Chōji began nodding in understanding at his words, before he began speaking again. "Well, I don't know how long he's going to be, since he's out on a mission with my Pa and Shikaku, but Ino will be back soon. Maybe she can keep you company, until he comes back?" Sasuke fan girl number 2? Of all the luck....still, it wasn't a bad idea per se it's just...."Put up with Sasuke Fangirl Number 2? I don't know if my mind would be able to take that!" He said in jest, which got a laugh out of Chōji and himself. That was, until he felt an ominous presence behind him, and found a fist had slammed against the back of his head. Turns out, Ino can be just as scary as Sakura now! "Hey! Jeez, was that necessary Ino?!" He turned to face the blonde girl, who's was suitably ticked off, as was shown the anger point on her forehead. "Dad said you'd be round, and that I keep you company." Her face immediately flushed red, at the words that had come out of her mouth. Huh, now that was interesting. "So if you're done calling me a Fan Girl of that ass, then we'll head inside." With a whip of her hair in Taka's face, she slowly made her way inside the Yamanaka residence. Meanwhile Taka stood there absolutely bewildered, as to what had just happened, and why her hair smelt so damn good too!

"This is gonna be a Drag!"

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