The Sound Four.

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With the squad gathered, and their equipment set, the group of Neji, Chōji, Naruto, Shikamaru and Taka set off, in pursuit of Sasuke, and anyone who could possibly be aiding him. Which Taka couldn't shake the feeling of it being Orochimaru, he was after Sasuke in the Chunin exams. Then they came across Sasuke's personal escort, more sound ninja. Just great. "Shikamaru, how do you want to play this?" Taka spoke up, though he was a fellow Chunin, Shikamaru was more of a strategist than he could ever be. "We'll need to split up, I'll leave the female to you. While I take on the light blue haired one, Neji you've got the four armed behemoth, and Chōji will take the big guy. Naruto, you go on ahead. You've got more chance of taking down Sasuke than any of us." With their assignments set, the group split up and began taking on their assignment.

It was not going well, somehow Neji and Chōji had managed to defeat their opponents, but they were both in critical condition. Shikamaru was being overwhelmed by the double act team of Sakon and Ukon, the only one that seemed to be fairing well was Taka. Mainly thanks to his wind Jutsu being able to deflect her sound attacks, with Taka then being able to get a killing blow in on the woman. Though it had cost him some chakra, he was otherwise still standing. He was about to follow Naruto and Lee, who had followed them on their mission, when he felt something sliding down his body, it felt warm and....wet. He looked down, and saw a hand through his chest, where his heart was. When and where.....he slowly turned himself around, and faced the one who had stabbed him. "K-Kabuto......" He was about to fall forward, when he was held up by the snake like hands of Orochimaru. Who simply smirked at the boy, who Kabuto had just stabbed.

"I told you boy, that you greatly interest me, and that I'd add you to my collection, and I always keep my word. Then Orochimaru sank his snake teeth into Taka's neck, causing him to finally scream out in pain, having been holding it in from shock. Yet when Orochimaru pulled his head away, the curse mark was nowhere to be seen. "I-impossible! How are...." He then looked at Taka, who had the broadest smile on his face. "S-summoning Jutsu!" With the last of his strength, Taka slammed his bloodied hand against a tree, which caused his summon Kuraokami to make it's large presence known. Slowly the dragon surveyed the area, his gaze fixing on the two who had ahold of his Master. Who he could sense, was fading fast. With a look of pure fury, the dragon was about to unleash it's rage when the two made a hasty retreat. Having got what they wanted.

The sand siblings had arrived, with Kankuro helping Shikamaru dispatch the double act brothers, whilst Gaara went on ahead to hemp Naruto. Temari was assigned to help Taka, but when she got there she was greeted by something she thought she'd never see. A giant dragon, was hovering over a body. But who's body was it? Temari looked around, and saw the amount of blood that laid across the land, and had a bad feeling. When she got close to the body, she saw who it was, and something inside of her ached in pain. "No, no is he....." She went to touch him, to check if he was alive. The dragon, looked at her, and could see the genuine concern on her face. "He's alive, but barely. He was ambushed by two men, with one almost severing his heart from his body. But his body, managed to freeze the heart in place. Keeping the arteries and veins attached, and blood pumping. But he can't keep it up, he needs to leave here. Can I leave that with you? I need to leave, so that he can have a chance."

Temari took in all this information, and nodded her head. The dragon giving her a look of thanks before disappearing from sight, as it did so Gaara was making his way back, along with Lee, Kakashi and Naruto. They all looked at the scene before them, horrified at what they were seeing. 'The wounds on his chest and neck.' Kakashi thought, as Gaara lifted Taka up on his sand, as the group went through the forest, to pick up their comrades who had been fighting. 'There's no doubt.' With three in critical condition, the group made their way back to Konoha hastily. Kakashi having sent word to Tsunade about the boys conditions. When they arrived, Shikaku Nara, handing a book over to Tsunade, as the three boys were immediately admitted into the operating theatre. With Taka and Chōji being dealt with by Tsunade personally, and Neji by Tsunade's assistant Shizune.

Shikamaru, Temari and Shikaku all waited outside patiently and nervously. Temari was sitting twiddling her thumbs, how was he still alive? There was no way. Temari was broken out of her thoughts by Shikaku lecturing his son about how he needed to learn from this, and that the mission was a failure. Just then, Tsunade and Shizune appeared, and gave the news that the boys would be fine. Which made everyone breath a sigh of relief, Temari stood from her position, and approached the Hokage. After she had also lectured Shikamaru about the mission being a failure. "Can I.....can I see him?" That took everyone by surprise, not least Tsunade. Who looked at the girl carefully, before relaxing slightly. "Go. He won't be...." Before she could finish, Temari had already left heading towards Taka's room, where he laid sleeping peacefully. Bandages covering his neck, and the whole of his upper body.

Kakashi approached Tsunade, now that the boys were in the clear. He leaned up against the wall, as she leaned out for the window. "Orochimaru. He tried giving him the curse mark, like he did Sasuke, but for some reason, it didn't take hold. I have no idea why though.....maybe we'll never know." Tsunade tightened her grip on the window ledge, almost cracking a piece of such was how tight her grip was. "I'll see what Temari has to say in her report, right now she's in their with him. Probably laying her head next to him. I think what she saw, the extent of the blood and the wounds on his body, I think they terrified her. I don't think she's ever seen a scene like that, and I don't think she's ever gonna forget it either."

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