The Hunt Begins.

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They'd already wasted a lot of time in the Sand Village, and the trail had gone cold. But thankfully, Kankuro was back with us again, and explained that one of the people that had taken Gaara was Sasori, a rogue sand Shinobi, and the other he didn't know, but all he knew was he used some sort of explosives. Taking all this information in, Taka came to the conclusion as to who the other man was. "Deidara, of Iwagakure. He's a Kekkei Genkai user like me." Everyone turned to Taka, wondering how on Earth he knew that. "Before you ask, I studied the other Kekkei Genkai users from other villages, and his name popped up. Explosion Release, it's no wonder Gaara didn't beat him.....he probably played dirty."

At the mention of playing dirty, the members of the sand council looked at each other and sighed. "This Deidara, he tried creating a giant explosion, that would've exterminated the Village. Gaara used his sand, to keep everyone safe.....and exhausted himself completely." Once the villager had finished, Taka and Kakashi turned the attention to Kankuro. "Knowing you, I bet you got a piece of their clothing. Didn't you?" Taka asked Kankuro, his face brightened up at the realisation of the question. Before extending out a piece Akatsuki cloak to Kakashi and the others. "Just what I need, good job Kankuro." Kakashi then took the fabric, and summoned his dogs to help track them down.

And so it was, Kakashi, Sakura Lady Chiyo, Naruto and Taka all got ready for action, with Temari staying behind to keep any one Kankuro. "Hey Taka, you got a minute?" Taka turned his head towards Kankuro, who was sitting up in his hospital bed, his eyes never wavering from his. "About Temari......for what it's worth I'm sorry. Me and Gaara told her she was playing a dangerous game, but she said you told her you wouldn't be too long. Before she knew it, it had been two and a half years. She didn't think you were ever coming back, that's no excuse I know. But I just wanted you to know from her point of view." Once again the temperature began dropping violently, as Taka's eyes burned with a fiery rage. "You're right, that's no excuse. I did nothing, but think about her those two and a half years Kankuro, and yet she gave up on me after a year and a half? I'm done with it, I'm never opening my heart to her, or anyone again. Everyone's gonna realise, why we Yuki were hunted to almost extinction, when I show them how strong we really are."

Kankuro's breath was now visible in the cold air that Taka had created, and because of the sudden temperature drop, glass suddenly began shattering around them both. Before Taka then rose the temperature up again, as people came running down to see what the ruckus was about. With Taka barging past them all, as he went to join the group. Kankuro had a look of terror on his face, he'd never seen anyone that angry or hurt, and he feared what Taka would do to Temari if he was pushed too far. Eventually Taka made it back up to the group, and they all began leaving, until Temari came running out, screaming Taka's name. "Taka! Get back here! You've scared my brother half to death, and for what? Because I thought you weren't coming back?! Because I thought you didn't care?!" Taka then turned his gaze onto her, and everything froze for the two of them. His eyes were filled with frozen tears, before his face hardened once more, as he continued walking out of Suna.

"Leave it Temari, you've shattered the poor boys heart." Lady Chiyo said softly, as she looked at the blonde woman before continuing. "From what I understand, that boy never stopped caring about, and loving you." She said as her gaze looked towards the fast disappearing Yuki boy. "The Yuki's are a lot like the Uchiha, once they know love and feel love's embrace, they want to feel nothing else. Yet, when they lose that love, their hearts become fragmented, or even shattered. Then their hearts freeze up completely, and they'll refuse to let themselves love anyone ever again. That's what makes them so dangerous, once they have love, but lose it, their power becomes untameable, and they become the very personification of the power they wield. Cold, and calculating." Chiyo finished before turning to a clearly distraught Temari, before focusing her attention on the others. Who all looked downtrodden and upset for their friend and student. "Come, we've wasted enough time."

With one last look back at the Village and Temari, the group began leaving, and trying to catch up to Taka, who looked hell bent on making anyone suffer, that got in his way.

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