"Thank you. You really saved me from embarrassment."

"It was nothing." He waved. A shy smile peeked from behind his full lips. The clear view of his features jogged Juna's memory. Oh! I remember this one! His name is-

"Jimin-ah! I bet you're all hungry right?" Myung Hee greeted, as she unpacked all the food.

"Right! So what's for lunch today?" He leaned over the food curiously. Myung Hee listed off everything she brought, including the delicious tteokbokki Juna smelled earlier. "Waaa, you got a lot! Eomeonim, you really are the best!"

'Eomeonim?' Juna stood stunned.

"I won't argue with that!" Myung Hee agreed proudly. "Juna ssi, please take these coffees to the sound and camera directors." She pointed at all the hot coffees.

"O-Okay." The younger woman took the beverages and distributed them out to the staff. While she did so, she watched her godmother conversing with the blonde angel. Another member of the band even came to greet her with the same familiarity as Jimin. Juna didn't try to guess his name. She was too distracted with how comfortable they were with her godmother. And how she herself, who had been partially raised by this woman, was now suddenly Juna ssi. Was it strange to feel slightly hurt? Did she tell them what her family's situation was?

She handed off the last hot coffee to one of the female staff.

"Thank you," she nodded. "Oh? You must be seonbaenim's replacement, right?"

"Temporary replacement, yes. I'm Shin Juna." She bowed. The other woman responded in kind,

"I'm Lee Soo Ah. I'm the social media photographer." The woman held up her camera that was strapped around her neck. "I have to be honest, when seonbaenim mentioned finding the perfect replacement I didn't imagine she'd choose someone so young. But, I suppose it makes sense. One would need their youth to keep up with these kids." She chuckled.

"Ah, really?" Juna smiled, relieved her presence had some sort of justification. Although, the other woman didn't look that much older than she was.

Another voice echoed through the room. "Okay, shall we take a break for now? I don't think we can focus while smelling that food. Let's join everyone." It was one of the dancers who acted like a teacher. Juna didn't recognize his face as one of the band members. He must've been the choreographer.

He and the three that were with him began to head over. They clapped each other's backs as they panted toward the staff. The tips of their hair forming damp edges like melting icicles. The other two that were seated heard and followed them. Except they stayed seated and rolled in their chairs. One of them flashed a gummy smile as he tried to sabotage the other's progress. The two chottled as their competition became more rowdy.

Ah, so that's what she meant, Juna realized.

"Well, let's work hard, Shin Juna ssi." Lee Soo Ah grinned.

"Let's!" Juna responded in kind before returning to Myung Hee's side with everyone else. It was now that Juna sneaked a few glances at the group to put her obsessive studying to use. Differentiating the band from the staff me was too easy. They all had such youthful energy. And they all seemed to have a tendency of standing in a line. One of the older men, a manager, cleared his throat and addressed the room first.

"Everyone, let's thank Myung Hee for the meal she's brought for not only Bangtan but for the staff as well." He paused to allow everyone their thanks before continuing. Even as a newcomer, it was clear from the admiration in everyone's eyes that Myung Hee was truly an important part of this team. "As you all know she'll be taking some time off to tend to her family. But she's promised to leave you boys in good hands."

Juna suddenly felt warm. She hadn't eaten anything, yet suffered heartburn at the moment the manager referred to her as 'good hands'. Several eyes flashed towards her but she refused to meet them for now. She thought back to the meeting yesterday when the department director listed all of the things Myung Hee had done for the company, the trouble she went through to make sure the band had a safe house, and even her thoughtfulness to grab lunch for the whole team today. The praiseful look in everyone's eyes when they looked at her just seconds ago, was Juna really expected to replace such a person?

"Before we eat, I think introductions are in order." He looked to her and her godmother.

"Yes. First I want to thank you all for having a positive attitude about my upcoming absence and being supportive of my initiative to personally appoint a substitute. I'm truly grateful." She took time to make eye contact with everyone while sharing her warm smile. "Now, Bangtan? This is Shin Juna ssi. She'll be your personal assistant during my absence. Please receive her well."

"Ne!" They agreed with polite smiles directed toward Juna.

Then one of them she recognized as RM, looked to his left and right, "Bangtan, 2-3."

"Anyeonghaseyeo, we're BTS!" They all greeted and bowed in unison.

"I'm RM but Namjoon is okay too. As the leader of BTS, I'd like to welcome you to the team. We look forward to working with you. As Myung Hee has been taking good care of us all these years, we can confidently leave her duties in your care since she's chosen you to do so. Let's work hard these coming weeks."

In her nervous state, RM's words oddly offered some relief. Which she cautiously avoided despite the temptation. Did they really feel at ease with her entrance into their lives? Or was he just saying what was expected of him? Juna thought back to Jimin's and Myung Hee's conversation just minutes ago. It must've been true. They simply trusted her that much. But rather than accepting relief, the observation only struck a nerve.

It wasn't clear why but their closeness with her godmother irritated her. She was practically Juna's second mother since she was born. And then more of a mother than her own when times became hard. How did she end up switching roles with these pretty strangers? Her heart went through an instantaneous transformation from a pile of glowing coals to a raging fire. However, now was the worst time to feel such things as all eyes settled on her next. She gulped as she dug her nail into her finger. Steady, Juna, she willed.

She bowed energetically, "Thank you all for accepting me with so much confidence. As your personal assistant I'll definitely perform my duties at top performance." I will? "I look forward to working with you all as well." I do? "Let's work well together."

The performers were all lined up before her but somehow she felt like the one putting on a show. Her earlier feeling of jealousy fueled her enthusiastic character and friendly smile. All she needed to do was keep it up for a couple of weeks.

"Okay! Let's eat, everyone!" Manager Kim announced.

The new assistant released a breath she didn't know was trapped. Her body relaxed when everyone's attention left her for the food.

Almost everyone.

Juna happened upon another pair of eyes looking right at her. Both her ears twitched with surprise, her jaw tensed under observation. But just as quickly as she'd discovered his gaze, the man calmly dismissed her and followed his bandmates. The woman stood stunned, unsure of what to think about the strange encounter. He was laughing like a carefree child just moments ago before suddenly displaying the coldest brush off she'd ever experienced.

People are scary that way.

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