Myung Hee reached for her black purse and pulled out a binder with colorful tabs sticking out from the side. She slid it across the glass table toward Juna. "It contains company policies for both staff and artists. Also included is basic information about each member—names, age, performance roles, various preferences and special needs, etc. Their work schedule. I even added a page about the staff you'll be working with as well as alternative routes between headquarters and here just in case you'll need it."

Juna had no time to respond. One part of her mind tried to memorize everything Myung Hee was saying while skimming through the binder of information. This job is temporary. Isn't this too much? This work schedule covers the entire month. I'm not doing this for a month, am I? And did she say study? She never thought K-Pop idols would ever become her topic of study.

Myung Hee took several minutes explaining what her responsibilities will be, using examples and personal stories. Her role often varied between different work projects. Juna wondered if something caused her godmother to adopt this professional persona suddenly or if she really was this serious about her job and these idols.

She concluded her last thoughts about the binder. "Got it?"

"I think so yes."

"Good, because there's something else."

"Something else?" Juna looked shocked. How could there be more?

The older woman reached into her purse again and fetched a small book. This one also had colorful tabs protruding from the sides. But this wasn't an official looking business binder. Instead, it looked like a journal. Myung Hee held it like one would hold a fragile, precious gem.

"You're undoubtedly going to have questions along the way." Said her godmother. Juna couldn't help thinking that was an understatement. "For this job, there needs to be a level of trust between you and the band members. Since you're new, the boys may not ask too much of you and will try to do things themselves. This is not what we want as they have very busy schedules. I'm hoping this book will help you to understand them better, improve your approach, and help them to trust you to assist them." She reached over in offering the book with both hands.

Juna reached for it but Myung Hee's grip hadn't relaxed yet. She looked inquisitively at her godmother, whose eyes fixated on hers.

"Please understand, Juna, that this book contains a lot of personal information. If it weren't you taking my place, I wouldn't trust this with anyone else. You are not to travel with it. It must stay in a safe place to be referred to when you have questions. Only when you have questions. It's not a reading book for your entertainment. Do you understand?"

"I understand." She nodded. Myung Hee released the book with a lingering look of goodbye. Juna bowed with thanks, seeing how much faith she must have in her for turning over such an important book.

The older woman let out a heavy sigh, her face suddenly refreshed with optimism.

"Now. Why don't we grab some lunch?" She smiled.

It was Juna's hope that she could work in the topic of Myung Hee's family during the car ride. That maybe she might find out exactly why she needed to go away. However, her godmother insisted she begin studying and memorizing everyone's names and faces right away. So far she was successful in memorizing the manager, the choreographer, the head camera director, and BTS's stage names. Their faces, on the other hand, would take a little more time to pair correctly with those names.

Afterall, J-Hope looked more like his name would be Suga and she kept getting V and Jungkook mixed up. The only members that were easy to memorize were RM and Jin.

This is already tiring, she thought. And to think I still have their given names to memorize.

She was so invested that she hadn't noticed they had parked until Myung Hee turned the car off. Juna unbuckled herself but the woman next to her held up her hand. "It's okay. You stay here. It won't take long." As she walked off into the building, Juna wondered why she hadn't even asked what she wanted.

"I'll just keep studying then."

It hadn't even been five minutes when the restless Juna spotted her godmother strutting back to the car with an enormous box of packages. Her eyes widened and her mouth struggled to find words. How much food did she get? Juna climbed toward the back seat enough to open the door for her. "Thank you!" Myung Hee sang. As she walked around to her own door, Juna peeked into the packages. She could've sworn she saw a stack of tteokbokki bentos. Another package was labeled dumplings and there were multiple styrofoam bowls probably filled to the brim with delicious noodles.

"Why so much food?" Her watering mouth asked when Myung Hee started the car again.

"We're going to have lunch at work with the rest of the team." She beamed. Juna felt a twist in her stomach. "Everyone knows it's just an orientation for you, so you can just stand back and observe. My job was just to supply the boys with lunch but seeing as I won't be around for a bit, I also brought food for the staff."

"So right now we're on our way to..." Juna didn't even want to finish that sentence. She figured an orientation would consist of meeting her workmates but somehow it still felt like an foreboding disaster approaching. "Wait, b-but I'm not properly dressed to go to work."

Myung Hee chuckled. "Look at how I'm dressed. This job will consist of moving around a lot. It's preferred that we're dressed in an attire we can be active in. So if you're thinking of wearing your business wear, don't. Only wear formal attire to official meetings and/or guest performances."

Juna's big eyes stared straight ahead. Her sweaty hands squeezed together until they were white as snow. Ugh, why am I losing my wits? I knew this part would come eventually. Relax. Be as tough as nails. She took a deep breath. "Well at least you're not wearing flannel," she mumbled.

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