"Now you have wasted your energy, I can finally destroy you heroes"

But both boys weren't done yet. Izuku came running in, ready to kick the hero with full force. Bakugo was thrusting himself forward from the other side. Firing explosions towards the hero. It wasn't effective. All Might had grabbed the two and threw them away.

"Lets retreat for now. We have 10 minutes left"

The boys quickly went to seek shelter in a small and dark alley. They could hear All Might walking by. He was going towards the exit.

"Okay we need to go escape"

"No, we can kill that motherfu-"

"Ssssst listen for once. Or do you want us to fail the test"

"You will fight him with all your power. That's what you do best. Once he is focused on you, you need to give a sign. I will jump over you both using darkness to enhance the jump. You need to launch yourself up to me at the last second. I will take your hand and we escape the gate"

Bakugo growled a bit but nodded. He was going to fight All Might again and that's what he wanted to do.

They both stood up. Now they had a plan to set in motion. Bakugo went head on towards All Might.

"Ohhh you think you can take me alone. I see"


The two were fighting each other. Bakugo hit some solid punches but All Might was way to strong for him. Bakugo didn't want to give up. He couldn't.

Soon he could see Izuku from the corner of his eye. Damn had it already been 5 minutes. Izuku sprinted towards the two. He was shooting some kind of darts of darkness towards the hero, making it hard for All Might to keep fighting. He then launched himself up in the air. Bakugo did the same. Izuku went flying by and grabbed the blondes hand, swinging him further towards the exit. Bakugo used one gauntlet to fly further, dragging Izuku behind him. That's how they crossed the line. The exam was over and they had passed. All Might could only stare at the action the two were making. The momentum and coordination were to fast for him to take action. Especially now he needed a break in his buff form. The action from earlier took a toll on him.

The bell rang and now they had officially passed. Izuku healed them up a bit so that they didn't need to go to Recovery Girl. They went back to the observation room.

Walking in, they were faced with a lot of questions.
"What happened back there?"

"Why are all cameras destroyed?"

"How did you have the power to take on All Might like that?"

Bakugo ignored all his classmates and went sitting down somewhere. Izuku was surrounded by everyone so he couldn't escape their trap. He answered some questions. It was until Aizawa came walking in and told everyone to be quiet. He then began to talk.

"First of all. The practical is done. You all know the results. Second of all. We are going to summer camp. You are all going to train your quirks there. As for the people who failed. They are getting extra work in the evenings. Only pack the essentials. We are leaving next Monday at 9 AM. Be at the bus depot on time or there will be consequences. Class dismissed"

The class left the room. Uraraka walked over to Izuku.

"Izuku? Do you like to get a drink on the way home?"

Izuku blushed on the question. Of course he would like it! But before he could answer his dad stood behind him.

"Problem child. You have a training session with All Might. Or did you forget"

'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' Izuku internally screamed.

"Uhh t-that's t-true. I-I h-have t-training"

"It is okay Izuku, we can go another time"

Aizawa looked at the girl. He then looked at Izuku. He quickly realized what happened and the fact that he had cock-blocked a date. He remembered his first time with Hizashi.

'Shit. Sorry problem child' he thought.

"If you were planning on doing something, maybe Uraraka can join training?"

"That's a great idea!" Uraraku cheered.

They went to the training ground together. All Might was already waiting in his buff form for Izuku to come. He was surprised to see Uraraka walking with him. When all was explained they started training. Ochaco had helped Izuku with some techniques to control better and Izuku had helped her with fighting techniques. He already had analyzed her quirk (of course he did), so he was helping her on how to take it a bit further. Izuku thought it was a good first step for the trainingcamp that was coming. All Might helped them with advise and when they went on fighting hand to hand combat, he was telling them where to punch and they practiced first with him. The last thing they did was a little sparring match against each other.

Ochaco was walking towards the entrance gates of UA. She was just done changing. Izuku was already waiting for her. The sun was setting now. They had practiced for about 3,5 hours.

"Ready to go home?" Ochaco asked. She was tired of all the exercises.

"Maybe we can get some food together first?" Izuku blushed brightly red when he asked.

Uraraka began to blush too.

"Y-yeah" she chirped shyly

"I know a good take away! We can eat at the beach?"

Ochaco nodded and smiled widely

They went to the take away. Izuku ordered some kastudon and Ochaco had ordered sushi. They walked to the beach together and went eating their meal while the last bit of the sun was setting on the horizon.  

Not A Tool ~ A Nomu Deku Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें