Meet The Parents

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Bakugo woke up on a chair next to the hospital bed. He had stayed all night talking with his childhood friend until the boy fell asleep. He had seen Izuku Laugh, cry, blush and everything in between. He had noticed the boys skin was back to normal. It was probably because of his quirk. But Bakugo didn't have the chance to ask things about his quirk. Or what they have done with him. Katuski didn't know what was going to happen to the boy. Was he going to prison? Probably. But then he couldn't see his friend anymore for I don't know how long.

He was looking at his phone. It was 6 AM. He needed to go home and get ready for school. Classes were suspended for the day, but some teachers wanted to talk with him about all things what happened. So for once, he left quietly. He didn't want to wake up Izuku.

Some time later, Aizawa was walking in to the hospital room. He was greeted by the boy looking at him in horror. The boy probably recognized him. Aizawa exhaled a bit and went sitting down.




"Do you mean Bakugo?"

The boy nodded. "Ba-ku-go"

Aizawa smiled a bit. It was funny to see the boy trying to speak. It reminded him of a baby. As annoying children are, they are funny and sweet too.

"Hello Izuku, or Maru. What do you prefer?"

"Zu-ku" The boy answered with a questionable face. He went for his pen and paper.

{Maru reminds me of the league. Now I have some memories back, I know I am Izuku}

Aizawa read it and nodded.

"Sure. I will tell it to the others. I am Shota Aizawa. You know me probably from the fight. I am pro hero Eraserhead and teacher at UA"

Izuku looked at him panicking.

{Are you going to hurt me? Am I going to prison?}

"No I am not going to hurt you. And I was going to tell you about the going to prison"

Now the boy was panicking even more. He had failed, he was weak, they will hurt him again. They will take him out of prison and send him back to the labs and do experiments on him again. He didn't want that to happen. He wouldn't survive it.

A hand was on his leg. He flinched, looking at the mans hand.

"Don't need to worry Izuku. You are not going to prison. I will take care of you and UA will help you become a better person. You have been used and have been trough a lot. So we will help you get your old life back"

Izuku had wide eyes on the information. They really wanted to care for a Deku like him?

{I don't deserve it. I am a failure}

"Maybe you are for them, but Nezu sees potential in you. So we are going to make you the best person you can ever be"

The boy smiled

"Zawa. AI-zawa" He said happily "Tha-Y"

Aizawa didn't understand the last part, but it was probably to thank him.

"Now, I want you to put this on"

The hero handed over a little bracelet. Izuku put it on and looked at it. It was just a small thing and it was mat black.

"The bracelet is a GPS tracker, so we can track you down if you've gone missing. Don't try to run off because we will track you. And we will save you when you got kidnapped. The bracelet hasn't any impact on your quirk"

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