...~An Adventure~...{chapter.10}

44 1 2

弐つ= this is the kanji for two.

Zori= the shoes that are traditionally worn with kimonos.

You opened your eyes to see,

A traditional Japanese setting, there were shrines in every corner,banners that held up lanterns with the kanji that spelt out '弐つ' they glowed orange on your face as your eyes held awe,there were staircases leading up to unknown places and dolls,handmade dolls they were beautifully crafted though you couldn't see their faces as they were covered by a piece of paper that said '弐つ' , they whole place faded from a bright red to a burning vermillion and lastly to a subtle orange, it was picturesque like one of those very expensive paintings you could never possibly afford but you buy anyways.

"Hanako-kun.." You trailed off,
"It's so breathtaking here."
You smiled turning to face the ghostly boy, his eyes lit up seeing you smile it made him want to smile too..

"Well, I gotta say it's quite different to how I last saw it.."
He grinned,
"Looks like no.2's not living up to her responsibilities.."
He sighed in disappointment,

"Let's begin walking then shall we?"
He said childishly.

You hummed in response and began walking,
The two of you walked for about three minutes until,a phone rang. it rang for a few seconds before you picked it up.

"Hello, who's speaking?.."
You asked hesitantly,

"It's Misaki, would you do me a grand favour and find my body?.. you see I simply can't do anything without it."
They said eeriely,
"It's been this way for quite some time now, and I must say it's tiring, right where you stand now that is where I was shredded to pieces."
Your heart dropped at their last sentence
"Find my right arm,Do be good and hurry.."

You suddenly heard the phone call end, and you looked over to Hanako-kun your forehead dripping with sweat and your face pale.

"Is there any chance that was a prank call?"
You asked panicked.

"No, I'm afraid not it seems we'll be looking for an arm, a right arm if I'm correct?"
He asked you furrowing his eyebrows trying to remember,

You nodded in response,

A hour glass then turned over,

"And we're being timed?"
You sighed.

"Right we've only gotta find a right arm, it'll be fine right?.."
You asked Hanako-kun clinging onto  the sleeve of his over jacket.

He cupped your face using his hands and leaned forward making your foreheads touch,
"We'll be fine okay? I'll keep you safe so don't worry,"

"Okay then, I'll have to trust you on this one."

"Don't you always trust me?"
He said putting a hand where his heart was and acted dramatically hurt,

You laughed a-bit,then your face became stern
"Let's hurry up I don't wanna find out what happens if the timer runs out!"
You said nervously.

And thus the two of you had began looking for the parts 'misaki's' missing body.

"(Y/n)-chan~ look I found treasure!"
You heard Hanako-kun yell from a distance,
You walked curiously over to see Hanako-kun flaunting an erotic magazine of a lady with an abnormally large breasts.

 (HANAKO-kunXreader) ~_-•. These feelings hidden from view ~_-•.Where stories live. Discover now