...~ The book of (f/n) (l/n) ~...{chapter.8}

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Hanako's PoV;

I skipped to page 107 and bit my lip as I read the page,


'(Y/n)'s father left her and her mother after countless beatings he found another lover.'

'Though left with a few scars and a black eye,
(Y/n) is happy for her and her mother.'

'(Y/n)'s best friend Yashiro-nene asks where she got the scars from, she lies and says she felt down a flight of stairs.'

.End of page.

I had no idea any of this had happened Noone would be able to tell, she's to good at hiding things.


'(Y/n) arrives at Kagome academy middle school division with her best friend Nene Yashiro by her side, they arrive 3 minutes late to the opening ceremony.'

'Yashiro-san meets a girl named Aoi Akane they immediately become friends leaving (y/n) alone in the corridor.'

'(Y/n) begins to look for her class, only to bump into mr. Tsuchigomori he guides her to her homeroom class, he grows an attachment to the girl.'

.End of page.

Day: Xx_xx_xX

'(Y/n) decides to take her love of astronomy to the next level, creating a club with a foundation of 7 members including herself she has never been so happy.'

.End of page.

I smiled reading the last sentence,
This must of been the records for her first year.

I skim read a few pages mainly because none of them held the information I wanted.

When I came across the pages of (y/n)-chan's second year in middle school.


'(Y/n) got called names today by the other kids in the corridor , her best friend Nene Yashiro watched it all happen afraid to say something in fear that her reputation would drop. Mr Tsughimori happened to be walking by and assisted (y/n).'

'(Y/n) sat alone today at lunch her Yashiro Nene walked by with Aoi Akane and Yashiro pretended that she didn't see (y/n) wave to her.'

'(Y/n) had a maths class after lunch today, her teacher pulled her aside after class he then gripped her upper arm tightly leaving it all bruised.'

'(Y/n) continued her day not telling a soul and acting as if nothing happened.'

.End of page.
I continued to flick through the following pages, in patterns of twice a week this teacher was bruising her and causing her harm.

I looked through further pages to find;more accounts of this teacher and more accounts of verbal abuse towards (y/n)-chan some from students and others from teachers.

Then I came across the end of her second year in middle school.


 (HANAKO-kunXreader) ~_-•. These feelings hidden from view ~_-•.Where stories live. Discover now