...~The trials of clinginess~...{chapter.9}

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You tossed and turned your head for a second or two,then you realised your pillow wasn't usually this cold.
You opened up your eyes slightly to see someone's lap right below your head your face flushed red, as you looked up there was Hanako-kun snuggled up in a blanket with your head on his lap breathing softly as he slept.

He looked peaceful and cute when he slept,you moved the piece of his hair that covered his eyelids, using three of your fingers you removed it from his face his eyelids fluttered slightly and you then silently grabbed a orange hair clip from your pocket and clipped onto his hair so his face wouldn't be covered as he continued to sleep.

You smiled and felt the blush of your face grow larger,
You leaned in over to his face and planted a small kiss on his forehead as a thank-you for what he had done for you last night as-well as just being there for you in general and lay Hanako-kun down on your lap as you played with his hair.

After a while Hanako-kun began tossing and turning on your lap signalling he was about to wake up, you smiled softly at the boy who was soon to realise the position he was in.

He let out a quiet groan before waking up,
"I'm still sleepy.."
He grumbled quietly still yet to realise you were in-fact there with him.

"Mmhm this is soft and warm," he said adjusting his head on your thighs,

You let out a small laugh, knowing he was still half asleep.

"Hanako-kun aren't you going to wake up?.."
You whispered softly,

He answered,
"Wait a minute... (y/n)-chan your still here?.."
He then asked turning his head to yours,

"Yes,good morning sleepyhead!"
You grinned,

"Hold on, then what was I lying on?"
He questioned panicked, his face then glowed crimson as the realisation had hit him.
He used his hands to cover his face as he sat up and leaned against the window,
"You should have woken me up sooner, this is so embarrassing.."
He grumbled embarrassed.

"Hanako-kun hold on a second.."
You said leaning in towards face, you unclipped the hair clip from his hair.

His blush just grew brighter,
"(Y/n)-chan your too close.."

You grinned as you patted his head,
"Sorry Hanako-kun but this is payback for not waking me up to go home."
You stuck out your tongue at him.

"How long are you going to be doing this to me?"
He asked in defeat,

"All day long~!"
You sang childishly as you pulled him into a hug.

"Well I'm still sleepy so you can annoy me later.."
He yawned, he slowly drifted of on your shoulder.

It had been about an hour of Hanako sleeping and you scrolling through things on your phone, when you realised that you had 10 minutes before you had to be in homeroom.

You lightly tapped Hanako-kun,
"Hanako-kun I have to go to class now, can you wake up please?"
You asked the boy.

"Oh okay,"
He sighed,
"Visit me at break time okay?.."

"Alright,I'll see you later!"

"Bye bye (y/n)-chan!"

 (HANAKO-kunXreader) ~_-•. These feelings hidden from view ~_-•.Where stories live. Discover now