Miss 'No Emotion' - Octavia Blake

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Season: gap between 2 and 3
Spoilers: none
Triggers/Warnings: mentions of dead bodies.

You secretly have a crush on Octavia, but you're not the type of person to announce those sorts of things, or express any sort of "feelings".

Word Count: 1,364

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"I just saved your ass," Octavia grumbled. "You're welcome, by the way."

You roll your eyes and remove your blade from the Ice Nation's corpse, "Thank you, Octavia, for saving me . . . even though I didn't need it," you muttered the last bit, but not quiet enough.

"Why can't you be grateful and less . . . you."

"And to think I actually—"

"What is taking you guys so long?"

Raven's voice came through the radio that's attached to the waistband of Octavia's pants. She sighs and sheathes her sword.

Being quicker than her, you snatch the radio from her waistband and press your finger on the button that transmits your voice through, "Sorry about the wait. We kinda got in a little . . ." you glance at the dead Azgeda bodies, ". . . bind, so to speak, but we're on our way now."

You take your finger off the button and turn the radio off, not wanting to hear any of their questions.

"Problem solved," you toss the radio back to Octavia.

She easily catches it, "You could've asked. I would've given it to you."

You gather up the reins to your horse and mount up, Octavia following your lead on Helios. "Would you've?"


Octavia nudges Helios forward and comes to your side as you say, "I don't believe you."

To say you were annoyed would be an understand. All you want to do is hurry back to Arkadia and be in your room in solitude for the rest of the evening. "Why are we paired on patrols again?" you weave your horse away from Octavia to dodge a large-ish rock in the road.

"Ha-ha-ha . . . very funny," you replied, you and Octavia steadily walking side-by-side on the Rover trail once again that leads to the rally point Raven set this morning.

"I thought it was."

You snort, "Ass."

"Oh, come on," she nudges Helios again to match your horse's quicker pace, "you like it."

"Shut up," you snapped, glancing around your surroundings that you've seen a dozen times in the last couple of months.

Your horse stops abruptly that jolts you forward. You snap your head to find Helios blocking your path, a hard faced looking Octavia glaring at you from his back. Your brows furrow in question, but this time, she's quicker, "What is your problem?"

"Uh . . ." you trailed, ". . . you blocked my path. If anyone should upset it's me."

"I'm not talking about that," she snapped. You turn your horse to go around her but she snatches ahold of your horse's bridle and brings him to a much quicker stop than Helios brought him to, which causes his head to toss up.

Octavia Blake / M. Avgeropoulos ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now