Sleep-Deprived - M. Avgeropoulos

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So the posting order isn't going to be the order of which they were requested in due to the fact my free time's been limited. I swear I haven't forgotten the others. Some are just easier to write on the spot than others, but don't worry, they are almost completed!

I want you guys to be satisfied and enjoy them, that's why it's taking longer than expected. Thank y'all for understanding:)


Requested by @WoFior

Marie cuddles you to sleep after many sleepless nights.

Word Count: 589

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For the last month, you and sleep haven't been the beat of friends. Most nights, you never slept. But on rare occasions, you'd been able to sleep for an hour or two.

All during the days, you struggled to focus at work —any energy or caffeinated beverage never doing the trick.

You told yourself it's Marie's long absence, and you believed it, but she'd been back for an entire week now yet still, you could never count sheep like Marie.

Busying yourself in yours and Marie's kitchen, you made some coffee on the stovetop. When it finally heated up enough, you poured the hot beverage in the mug Marie bought you for your birthday last year.

You mixed in your sugar, milk and creamer and allowed the steaming beverage to cool on the counter by the sink across the stove while you waited patiently. Unknown to you, Marie lurked in the shadows of the hallway, silently watching you as you continued to anxiously yet tiredly stir the coffee.

Sighing heavily, you rubbed your hands down your face, forcing your heavy eye-lids to enclose your eyes in more darkness.

"Come back to bed." Marie suggested from the archway, her voice raspy and thick with sleep.

Removing your hands from your face, you met her gaze in the dimly lit overhead stove light. Marie inched further into the kitchen and leaned on the same counter as you, copying your position: both elbows on the counter top, hands clasped together.

"You've been restless all week," Marie stated, concerned. She grabbed your hand, rubbing her thumb over the top of your hand, "You okay?"

You smiled assuringly, but it never reached your eyes. "Ye-Yeah. I'm fine," you gripped Marie's hand, squeezing it. "I'll be back in a minute, alright?"

Unconvinced, Marie came closer. She removed her hand from yours and placed both hands on your face, inspecting it in the orangey glow: dark circles around your eyes, and exhaustion filled in your bloodshot, usually bright-eyed e/c eyes.

"Please, come back to be, baby . . ."

Unable to refuse Marie, you nodded and allowed her to guide you back to bed, completely forgetting about the coffee you made, but neither you nor Marie worried —it'd be there tomorrow.

You laid on your side of the bed, your back facing Marie. She laid behind you, draping an arm over your stomach and pulled you close. Absentmindedly, you intertwined your fingers through Marie's, brought them up to your chin, and kissed her knuckles.

  You felt Marie sit up and lay her arm by your head, stroking your hair and placing soft kisses to your hairline, temple, mostly bare shoulder and forehead.

  Smiling, you leaned the top of your head into Marie's hand and met her eyes in the dark. Your lips found hers in a short, comforting kiss before you're back in your previous position, Marie spooning you.

  Within minutes, you're finally able to succumb to sleep after many sleepless nights in the arms of your lover.


Octavia Blake / M. Avgeropoulos OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang