Sky Girl - Octavia Blake

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Season: gap between 2 and 3
Spoilers: certain character appearances from season four
Triggers/Warnings: death, blood

You and Octavia get in a bit of a bind together that later causes tension and feelings.

Word Count: 3,017

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You pull your horse to a stop on top of the ridge, and look down at the creek below that slowly flows from the mountains. Smiling, you turn him in the direction where the ridge slopes into the forest.

You nudge your horse into a slow trot down the path and through the trees, until you spot the creek. Pulling on the reins, your horse stops and you dismount, removing the reins from his neck to allow him to drop his head and sip on the creek water.

You smile, resting a hand on his neck and thread your fingers through his dark mane, untangling it.

His ears start to twitch, then his head snaps up in alert across the creek. You snap your head in the same direction, your guard up.

"What is it, boy?"

You've never travelled outside your clan's territory before. You never had a reason too, until a kill order was placed on you by your queen.

You were accused of something you had no part in. Why would you burn your own village to the ground and kill innocent people? Children.

You may be a Grounder, but you weren't cruel like them or your clan.

Twigs snap and leaves rustle. You reach for your sword, but are frozen in place at the sight. A girl emerges from the forest on horseback, her dark hair braided that resembles your Grounder hairstyle.

"Em ste kei (it is okay)," she said in Trig.

There was no doubt the girl is beautiful. Being as the creek you guys are at is fairly narrow, you can easily note her sharp facial features that makes you weak to your knees.

"Yu are nou Kyongedon, skai gada, (you are no Grounder, sky girl)," your lips slightly curl in an amused smile. Her jaw clenches. "Your Trig was a little broken."

"You speak English?" she said, surprised.

You nod, "Yes. My father taught me."

She studies you before her eyes widen. "You're Azgeda."

"Yes," you swallow the dryness in your throat, then kneel beside your horse. Minus the scars, you looked the part. You haven't had time to change your wardrobe to hide better. You cup your hands in the water, "You speak well for a sky person."

She remains silent, studying you.

You sip the water in your hands and look at the sky girl, "Not so talkative now? Is it because I am Ice Nation?" she still studies you, "I am not like my clan, sky girl. I left with a kill order on me," you had no idea why you told her, but you did without hesitation.

"What'd you do?" she asked, seemingly interested. You watch as she copies your kneeled position across the creek, her horse sipping from the cold water and the sky girl cupping her hands in it.

Octavia Blake / M. Avgeropoulos ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now