Enzo: I'll Protect You

Start from the beginning

        Alpha Norixx and a few of the pack members stood in a line that were facing us. I felt Ivan grip tighten and I pulled him close to me. I raised my head high and glared at the men that I call pack members. Standing in the kitchen were Corianne and Luka and they looked upset and concerned, confused about what was going on. Zev was standing next to Alpha Norixx and he had no emotion on his face. Was he on this too? Shouldn't he be with his mate? Why was he so calm about this?

        Alpha Norixx took a step closer to us. I felt my body tense and I gritted my teeth, anger running through my veins. Why was he so forceful about us mating? I knew Ivan could see us, but he didn't have any other power that could help us or anyone. So what he could see us? He wasn't going to hurt anyone, especially me. But then I thought back to Ando and how I let him hurt Ivan. Ivan was defending himself, that's it. But did he really have to kill him? Why kill him when he could walk away? The question dig into my mind as I stared into Alpha Norixx's eyes. He smiled brightly but we knew it was fake.

        "Ivan Coen, do you take Enzo Olivieri as your mate?" He asked, placing his hands on my shoulders.

        There was hesitation in Ivan's voice. "Yes..."

        My heart exploded when Ivan finally agreed to be my mate. I always wanted that from him; for him to like me, at least. He was the one I would protect with my whole life. But why did I feel like everything was wrong? Why did I need to listen to someone who forces me to mate with someone who doesn't want to mate just yet?

        "Enzo Olivieri, do you—"

        "No," I answered.

        Alpha Norixx eyes narrowed and he dropped his hands. "Excuse me?"

        "I said no. I am not mating Ivan."

        Ivan tugged on my hand and I looked over my shoulder to see him glaring at me. "Just say yes and get it over with," he said angrily.

        I shook my head. "No. I am not mating you, Ivan."

        "Are you rejecting him? Do not reject him for your father!" Alpha Norixx boomed. 

        I looked back at him. "I am rejecting him for the sake of his Human life! I will not mate for you. I will mate when he is ready."

        "I am, I am ready, Enzo," Ivan whispered. I grabbed Ivan by his chin and looked in his blue eyes. They were swimming with emotions I couldn't quite catch. I knew he didn't want to mate because of us, he wanted to mate for something else, but what? I kissed his forehead and shook my head, rejecting everyone, rejecting the mating ceremony. Alpha Norixx grabbed my throat and threw me on the door. I groaned and slide on the door, my back pounding with unbearably pain. Ivan stared at me with wide eyes and rushed towards me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, wrapping his arm around my waist.

        "This is pathetic. Why does a twink Human need to help a Werewolf, a fucking Beta?" one of the members, Theo, mocked.

        I glared at him and growled, "At least I have a mate and I won't die alone like your brother."

        I was pulled away from Ivan again and my hip bone hit another wall. I crashed on the floor and blood filled my mouth. I looked up to see Theo growling and hissing at me.

        I smirked and stood up, wiping the blood off my lips. "I guess I hit a nerve, bitch."

        Theo roared and was going to punch me when Zev held him back. "What do you think we should to Alpha Zev?" Alpha Norixx asked. Zev took a step closer to me and stared in my eyes. Ivan groaned and touched his hip bone and blood filled his mouth. I was going to walk to him when someone caught my upper arm. I pulled and tried getting away but Zev wouldn't let go.

        "For fuck sake Zev, let me go!" I screamed. Ivan gave me a thumb up, telling me he was okay, but I wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Corianne and Luka stayed in the kitchen, huddled together. Luka looked like he wanted to help but fear were crawling through his body. Zev picked me up and threw me in the kitchen, my back hitting the cabinets and me landing on the counter top. I felt two hands hold me down on my wrists and another two hands hold my ankles. I struggled and growled, pulling and tugging to get away from them. Theo held my wrists and he growled, slamming my head on the counter top. I groaned in pain and saw blurry figures around me and Corianne and Luka screaming my name.

        "Hold still, it won't hurt much," Theo said softly. I hate him. I hate how he was hurting me because of this damn mark. I don't blame Zev for throwing me in the kitchen because he needed his title for Alpha. If he only cared about becoming an Alpha then caring about me, I understand. He needed to focus about being the next Alpha. Zev stood near me when I got my vision back. Alpha Norixx grinned wickedly at Ivan and Ivan backed up towards the door. He was powerless without a weapon. I looked up at Zev who still had the same emotion when I walked down the stairs with Ivan. I gulped when I saw Zev's eyes turn red. His Alpha was taking over.

        "Please....don't let Alpha Norixx hurt Ivan...please..." I pleaded, my voice quivering. My heart squeezed at the thought of Alpha Norixx touching Ivan. Ivan had nothing to do with any of this. Ivan screamed when Alpha Norixx grabbed Ivan's wrists and slammed him on the wall. Zev didn't move; his eyes trained on mine. Alpha Norixx rip the collar of Ivan's shirt and I saw a flash of Alpha Norixx's teeth. Ivan tried pushing him away but it was like Alpha Norixx was a brick wall. My breath hitched when Alpha Norixx's teeth got closer to Ivan's neck.

        I thrashed around and screamed, "Please, don't do it!"

        Theo and the others were laughing like mad men, mocking me that I was crying and begging.

        "What a bitch," Theo taunted. They laughed louder. My eyes watered when I thought of Ivan screaming my name in pain, pushing Alpha Norixx away from him, asking and screaming for help, anyone to save him from the pain and laughter around him. I was supposed to protect him. I told him I was going to protect him. That's why I was here, that's why I wanted to be around him.

        "Please...don't be like Alpha Norixx..." I croaked. A tear sliced my cheek and my bottom lip shook.

        Zev's blank expression started to crack. His red eyes softened and his lips started to open.

        "I'm so sorry..." he whispered. 


        Some fluff between Ivan and Enzo. Yes, THE DRAMA IS STARTING!

        How do you feel about Enzo's reason about rejecting Ivan again?

        Why do you think Zev is holding his feelings back?

        What the hell is Alpha Norixx's problem? 

        Comment and vote! :D

        Word count: 1,868


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