Old Friends??

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*Thank you all for almost 3k reads! @Tda824 and I are collaborating on this part and the next, enjoy!!*

—Liv's Entry——

I've been on cloud 9 for about a week. I don't think I'm ever coming down 😏. Plus it's officially spring break I'm so excited to have some fun. It's tradition for us to go somewhere for the week. It's Jordan's turn to pick let's hope he doesn't have us anywhere stupid, I love my twin but I am definitely the brains and the beauty of this operation. Spencer and I made it a thing to FaceTime each other before we go to bed, he has so many embarrassing photos of me from me falling asleep first. I'm def gonna get him back. Enough for now, let me go see what Jordan has decided.


Just as she puts her journal down she receives a text.

*you've been included in Jordan's Crew chat*

Jordan: hey guys, listen I'm the captain of spring break this year and I've chosen for us to go to this dope Airbnb beach house in...... wait for it..... Miami!!!!!

JJ: oh yeah!!!! Miami! You know I'm down!! That's like my second home! Guys I know all the hot spots we can totally get into 🔥🔥 Miami here we come!!!

Layla: oooh Miami! I need a break, count me in 😜

Coop: I may try to get some connects down there. I'm in too! And of course Patience too!

Layla: hey Jordan can Simone come ?

Jordan: sure I guess, it's break we all need some fun.

Layla: awesome! I'm gonna add her to the chat!

*layla added Simone to Jordan's crew chat*

Simone: hey guys! We outsideeeeee!

JJ: Spencer, Liv, y'all down??

Spencer: I'm just waking up, yeah y'all can count me in!

Liv: JJ I'm in the same house as Jordan of course I'm going 😝. Speaking of Jordan did you invite Kia?

Kia: hey guys, and yes bestie he clued me in earlier :) sorry for the delay I'm excited to hang with you guys!

Spencer: this is great and all but how we getting there ? I love y'all but idk about this long of a drive. 👀👀

Jordan: don't worry I got us covered.

JJ: Let's get it baby!! Aye Jordan I owe you one!!! I need to find me a lady down here!

——Next Day——

Spencer heads to the baker's house to see Olivia before they get ready for this trip.Jordan opens the door."What's up bro?" They dap hands. Spencer says "what's up man! Aye where's Liv?" Jordan says "she's upstairs. You ready for tomorrow ?"

"Of course bro, warm weather, a pool, my girlfriend, my bestfriend, yeah I'm totally ready. It's just the other people around that makes me go hmmmm." Jordan says "relax brother it's gonna be fine."

Spencer heads upstairs and knocks on Liv's door. "It's me baby." Olivia smiles "I know, come in already." Olivia is dressed in a black lace bikini to which Spencer's jaw drop." He inches closer to her wrapping his hands on her waist and kissing her back up to her neck then whispering "I ain't know it was my birthday." Olivia laughs in a flirty way "not yet at least, I wanted to show you my fit for the jacuzzi, hopefully we get some time alone."

Spencer "oh, they way you look girl if I gotta fake an injury I will just to be alone with you." Spencer imitates hurting himself making Olivia laugh as she gets ready to put her clothes on. Spencer sits on her bed while he's waiting for to come out of the bathroom. He notices she has both necklaces he gave her right on her nightstand along with their prom picture and picture from dinner. He savors the moment.

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