Helping My Brother

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----Liv's Entry---

Last night was amazing! I woke up before everyone else and I spent a lot of time staring at my man. My man!!! can you believe it? I spent so many hours fantasizing about Spencer and I, and now it's real, I can be the future Mrs. James!! Spencer looks so good sleeping, I mean really doing anything he looks good. Don't mind me just admiring my baby. Idk what Jordan and Kia got into last night but they look like an old married couple with uno cards everywhere. I wonder what we all are gonna do today in this big ol' hotel. All I know is that I wanna live in this moment as long as I can.

It's been months of me being sober. I haven't had a taste or desire in a long time. Nurse Joy and Mrs. Spears have both helped me so much. Speaking of which, I need to tell Nurse Joy that we're official now.

--The Hotel---

Olivia falls back asleep after writing in her journal. Spencer takes a peak and smiles knowing that Olivia is happy about them being together. He kisses her on the cheek and says "baby get up, wakey wakey." Olivia says "now I know you not waking me up after I let y'all sleep in." Spencer says "nobody told you to get up with the roosters, now come on so we can get breakfast, you know the waffle lines at the hotels be too long."

Olivia laughs and she remembers they don't have anything but their prom clothes. "Spencer are we really about to get dolled up for breakfast?" Spencer says "I'd prefer action figure, but um I see your point. I'll go get us some clothes, you stay here and tell the others while I'm gone and text me their sizes." Olivia side eyes him "babe idk about your fashion skills, are you about to have us looking crazy." Spencer says "babe, trust yo man okay, this all American can do more things than one (as he looks her up and down). But if we look crazy we will look crazy together." Olivia laughs and she moves closer to him and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him softly. Spencer says "what was that for?" Olivia says "I can do it whenever I want now baby so get used to it." Spencer smiles and says "you the boss."

Spencer heads out in his suit pants and shirt and calls an Uber to head to the mall. While he's out, Jordan and Kia wake up. Jordan and Kia laugh at the fact they fell asleep on the couch together. Jordan says "did I win?" and Kia says "no, I remember telling you draw 2 and then you grab my hand and started tickling me." Jordan says "So I won then." Kia laughs. They hear a knock at the door.

Olivia says "hey party people!" and Jordan and Kia in a tired voice say "heyy." Liv says "guys, you are giving me old couple vibes, I'm sure y'all slept like 12 hours, it's 10 am." They laugh, Jordan says" ha ha very funny Liv, we had our own little fun. Now what did you and my boy Spence do?" Kia sits up, "yeah what did y'all do before you guys came back here?" Olivia begins to tell them about the surprise that Spencer had for her, and then she explains that they made it official last night.

Kia says "awww my babies!!!! you guys are officially exclusive I'm so happy for you bestie!" Liv gives her a hug "I know me too!" Jordan says "you're finally getting what you wanted, I'm happy for you Liv. Where is Spence by the way?" Olivia says "he went to get us all some clothes to wear since we are staying here for the weekend and can't walk around all dressed up." Jordan says "that's a smart move I didn't think of that." Kia rolls her eyes "gotta think ahead, none of us knew about the surprise but you silly." Jordan smiles and rubs shoulders with her "You're right, next time."

Olivia texts Spencer the sizes.

My Heart: Hey babe, here's the sizes, (see's note), also I told Jordan and Kia about us.

Baby: aww man I wanted to be there! it's cool though, I wanna post us later on IG so the world can know that you're mines.

My Heart: I like that :)

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