Reel Life Part 2

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Nurse Joy waits for Liv to answer. "Well...." Olivia laughs, "well it all started about a year ago, my dad is the football coach at Beverly Hills High school and he recruited Spencer James to come play for us.
Spencer lives in Crenshaw and had to take three buses to get to the school so my dad invited him to come live with us.

"The first day of junior year was when I met him. He was tall, chocolate, and handsome and we had science class together. He needed someone to share a computer with and I just so happen to be close by (she smiles), we shared some laughs and instantly began to click. Spencer was always a gentleman around me, our conversations never felt forced.
He was the first person to really ask about me, not just do it as a pleasantry. He made me feel alive in a way I hadn't felt in a long time after coming back from rehab. Seeing him everyday with him living with us made my feelings for him grow more and more. Spence is my confidant. I can go to him for anything and vice versa. I would say that we're each other's go to."

"When summer was approaching I thought I was going to be alone again which started the whole drinking ordeal but come to find out, my knight in shining armor, Spencer came and spent the summer with me. We like similar things and spent a lot of days watching dumb movies and reading Harry Potter together."

"Now it may sound all good but there was a twist. My former bestfriend Layla caught his eye during junior year and even though she knew I liked him they got together. They broke up right before summer and then we all ended up in Vegas where he told me he was in love with me."

Nurse Joy and Mrs. Spears just take it all in, look at each other and have the "whew chileee, if this ain't the tea" look.
Nurse Joy, takes a pause then speaks "So Spencer told you he is in love with you, what did you say Olivia?"

Olivia, looking remorseful says "I said Spencer we can't what about Asher and Layla? I was dating Asher at the time and although Spencer was single I knew Layla still liked him so I left and tried to forget that we shared the most passionate kiss I've ever had. I'm afraid of what would have went down if I stayed."
Nurse Joy says, "ooooooooweeeeeee, I see! Well the way you two looked at each other at the coffee place I know you feel the same way about him so what's happening now."

Olivia starts again, "Spencer ended up telling Layla about what happened in Vegas which caused us to fallout even though I tried to leave the situation so she wouldn't get hurt."
Mrs. Spears chimes in " ahh yes, in our attempts of trying not to hurt someone, that someone still ends up getting hurt." Olivia nods her head "we both ended up hurt, she said some pretty hurtful things to me but so did I to her, at that point I was at my breaking point. That same day we fell out, I told Spencer I loved him too, I've had feelings for him since I first met him. But our confessions got cut short by my crashing into a car and relapsing. I asked him to take the fall for me which I know now was the worst thing I could have asked a black man to do in this climate especially someone I say I love."

Nurse Joy ponders for a moment then speaks, "so what are you guys at a stand still now?" Mrs. Spears responds "well I can imagine from Spencer's point of view that this is a sticky situation with Olivia dealing with addiction." Nurse Joy nods "oh I agree, love or no love I would definitely pause on any relationship right now until you're in a healthy space. But when you are..... I totally ship you and Spencer. I better be invited to the wedding too!"

Olivia blushes, "so what now? I mean I can't just not speak to him, he's my go to and I can't lie I want to be around him." Mrs. Spears starts to speak, " you can be around each other, but look at him as a support system right now, nothing more nothing less because you don't want to rush this process in order to rush to a relationship. Relationships are the first line of destruction when dealing with addiction. A sober and healthy Olivia will make for a healthy relationship with Spencer. You are really fond of this young man huh?"

Olivia smiles and nods "yes, yes I am and it feels good to say it. I held it in for so long. I never knew he felt the same way, but now that I know I feel liberated and happy. I feel like I'm at home."
Nurse Joy, agrees "you feel like he's your person." Olivia nods emphatically "exactly!"
Nurse Joy and Mrs. Spears speak in unison without noticing "one day at a time, one step at a time, reach out for support, but learn to love and trust you." Nurse Joy says "jinx you owe me a soda."
Mrs. Spears laughs, "fine I'll get you one after this is done. Olivia I'd like to see you outside of your meetings with Nurse Joy okay." Olivia says "I'd like that."


Spencer's at home in his room thinking about seeing Liv with his mom and Dillon at the game. He reaches for his phone on the dresser by the bed to text her.

Spencer: hey, I saw you at the game the other day. Were you with my mom and Dillon? 🤔

Olivia: hey, yes I was, we had a talk and your mom really put some things in perspective for me.

Spencer: good things I hope 👀

Olivia: yes 😊 we shared some laughs too! It was fun hanging with your mom and brother. Just like family dinners.

Spencer: well good! You can't scare me like that!

Olivia: Spencer James scared?? Whaaaa

Spencer James: hey, all superheroes have their moments 😉

Liv's Entry——

Today was a lot to take in but I'm glad to see so many people want to see me healthy. I want to as well if it means that I will feel good inside and out. Especially so I can start dating again. One day and one step at a time, and right now that step is some food because I'm starving.

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