6 | Hi, I'm Calypso - Seven & Friends

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*AU where Jason is alive and Jason and Piper are only taking a break*
(I do ship Shelper as well, but Rick Riordan did Leo and Jason dirty by never letting them see each other again until Elysium, and never letting Jason meet Calypso, until maybe Elysium)

Calypso anxiously fingered her bracelet while waiting inside the cafe with Leo.

Seconds ago, after he finally exited the bathroom, he told me that his friends were here. In Indianapolis.

Will they give me disapproving looks for practically running away with Leo for a year? Befriend me right away? Piper seems nice, I remembered. She's basically his sister, so she's basically mine. But the others...?

"You're humming," he realized. I looked up from my mental panic to see his eyebrows crinkled with concern, but I didn't respond. He took my hand on the table, "Hey. They'll like you, promise."

"I know I- just... I don't know." I looked down at the table with a frown.

"Is it Percy and Annabeth?" Well, mostly Annabeth.


I heard him snap his fingers, "Oh! It is!" Then he lowered his voice to a warmer tone. "It's been a year since... They'll have let it go by now." He squeezed my hand and I lifted my head again. "You don't have to be nervous, Cal. They're my friends, and soon - hopefully - yours."

"I know that. Don't you get nervous about meeting a lot of people at once? I feel I have to give them a good first impression and if-"

His hand slipped out of mine and he lifted them both, his fingers stretched out. "Stop, stop. You know how Annabeth first saw me?" I shook my head. "Well that was a rhetorical question, babe... I was drenched and nearly died a few moments before! You'll give her a much better first impression than I could ever."

I laughed. "You have to tell me about that in more detail afterwards."

Leo grinned, happy to see me happy.

Behind us, a ring sounded from the door. "Hey!" A girl's voice.

Not even a second later, she was at our table for two. Her hands resting on the edge of the table, panting. "Piper!" Leo stood to wrap her in a hug. She was tall, taller than him, with short, brown hair and dark skin.

"Missed you," I heard her whisper breathlessly. When they pulled away, she hooked a thumb behind her and gasped out: "The others are catching up." On cue, the other 'Seven' bursted out of the door in a tangle of limbs. The most distinguishable, of course, was Percy's dark locks.

He brushed himself off first and beamed when he saw us standing at the table. "Leo! Calypso!"

A blond boy - Jason, Leo's best friend - shouldered his way through, stretching his arms out, making everyone step aside for him. He wrapped one loosely around Leo's neck and the other started rubbing his knuckles against the top of his head.

"Hey bud!"

"Ow! Jas- hi-" He desperately tried prying his hands off. "Okay, chill! Chill! Stop! Where'd you learn to noogie people?" Jason extracted his hands from his neck and gave him a proper hug with a grin.

Percy came behind and gave Jason a 'noogie' as well, "That's where," he said, smugly.

Two other girls and another boy joined us - one of them, I recognized, as Annabeth with her blonde curls and steely eyes.

"Hi Leo!" Greeted the boy. Tall was an understatement. He was tall and hulking. He patted him on the shoulder, standing next to him made Leo look so short. Then he faced me. "And you..." His eyes lit with realization. "...Calypso?"

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