Cuts and Reflections: Part Two

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When Sammy opened his eyes, he noticed that he had dozed off again. That had been happening more often, twice so far. I'm letting my guard down too much. Just because he had someone with him now didn't mean he was any safer than before.

Speaking of the other person, after the whole giggle episode, he'd been out like the studio when it lost power. It had kind of concerned Sammy at first, until he looked at the clock and realized it was only twelve thirty at night. That meant that not much time had passed. He looked at Henry, trying to see his bandaged arms to check for more blood. Unfortunately for Sammy, he couldn't see anything, not even part of the bandage wrap.

He remembered when he and Henry had to stay in the studio when it had just opened up, and were told to keep a look out for any robbers or people looking to stay in the semi-empty building. They'd just talked about nonsense, and finally fell asleep around dawn. When Sammy woke up, he saw that Henry was curled up under the blanket as of he was hiding from something; and an empty inkwell was on the floor.

In an instant, Sammy had bolted up and run to the bathroom. In the mirror he saw drawings done in ink all over his face and both of his arms. A little Bendy was drawn on his nose. He heard giggles coming from the open doorway.

'Henry!' He ran at the other person, trying to glare and smile at the same time. The animator just gave a devilish grin and ran in the other direction.

Sammy smiled at the memory, and seeing how Henry was curled up now made sense. He did that to protect himself. It was less threatening than the axe Sammy used. Oh yeah, I need that back.

He got up, careful not to make any noise; and grabbed a candle off of a nearby stool and lit it. All without making a sound. Walking around in the studio had really paid off. The axe was now resting against the shelves. He walked over and grabbed it, stopping when he heard the cot creak behind him. Sammy slowly turned around, and when he saw that it had just been Henry shifting in his sleep, he relaxed.

At least he could see the bandaged arm now. There were more splotches, and he knew that meant stitches would be needed later. But that was a problem for future him to figure out.

Or I could wake him up now, and deal with it. The tiredness might help numb it a little bit. He laid the axe down on the floor next to his cot, opposite of Henry.

After moving the weapon, he walked back around his cot, then leaned down and shook Henry's shoulder.

"Yeah Sam?" Well. Sammy hadn't expected a clear reaction.

"Uh...hi? How long have you been up?"

"Five minutes I guess? It's dark, I can't see the clock, and I'm tired. You better talk fast." Sammy noticed that his words were already slurring.

"Well, I just got up to check things out and I noticed your arm is bleeding again. Do you want me to stitch the cuts up?"

"What times it?" Yeah, Sammy had to talk fast if he wanted to get his over with.

"Twelve thirty-five." Sammy responded, already expecting the question.

"Sam?" It sounded wrong somehow.

"Yeah Hen?" Something's wrong here. As Sammy looked closer, he noticed that were his hand had been resting on 'Henry's' shoulder, an ink stained imprint had been left. He looked down at his hands, but the ink hadn't moved. And the splotches? That wasn't blood. It was ink.

Sammy looked up, only to be greeted by the thing that looked like his friend, a trail of ink leaking out of its mouth, as its head lolled sickeningly on its 'neck' which looked stick thin. The Ink Demon. As Sammy finally came to the horrid realization the thing lunged, pushing him to the floor.

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