Explanations, Excuses, and a Missing Person

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After the scuffle about the axe, Sammy decided to let Henry keep it. He was the one with the injury after all.

Currently, Henry is sitting on a cot in the infirmary, while Sammy is sitting on a stool holding a roll of gauze and bandages. Hidden under the stool is a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. That's gonna hurt like a bitch. Sammy didn't want to have another "fight" about the cut.

Henry looks around the infirmary. There's two beds, and a Bendy clock on the wall. Some shelves are around, filled with medical supplies. There are some random stools sitting about; everything's either spattered or covered in ink. Sammy's voice interrupts his observing.

"So. I have some questions for you Henry."

"Yeah. What are they?"

"Well first can you hold your arm out? I can't do this if you're holding it close to you."

"Oh, sorry." This feels like a trick for some reason.

"It's fine. So, how did you get here? Where did you disappear to? We...all thought you died or something Henry." Sammy starts to play with the bandages.

Quiet. Sammy stops playing with the bandages roll and looks up. His companion has his head ducked down, so far down that Sammy can't see his face.

"Henry?" Sammy reaches out a hand and puts it on his knee. Henry flinches away as of he's been burned. Sammy pulls his hand back.

When Henry looks up, his eyes are red. "I don't know Sam. I don't know. The last thing I remember is going to talk to Joey, and black. It's blurry after that."

Oh. Oh no. That bastard Joey. You hear me Joey?! You piece of-
Ah ah Sam. Gotta stay a little PG for the kids.
The anger fades as quickly as it flared up, and now Sammy just regrets asking the questions. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry. I was just curious. Let's take care of the cut now okay?" Henry's head is ducked down again, but he nods. Sammy reaches for the hydrogen peroxide and puts some on a piece of bandages.

"Give me your arm." Lord help him.

Henry sticks his arm out and Sammy grabs it, hard.


Before he can finish, Sammy slaps the peroxide covered bandage onto the cut, and prepares for the reaction.

"YOU MOTHERF-" It was a trick! Henry quickly jerks his arm back and holds it close, glaring at Sammy while doing so.

"Shhh. It's gonna sting for a minute. Then I can wrap it."

"I hate you."

"Love you too, Hen."


"I need to wrap it now. Don't give me that look, it was the only way to get you to cooperate and you know that."

Henry slowly reached his arm back out, wincing as he did so. Sammy wrapped it in silence. Henry started to pull away when Sammy picked up an inkwell and pen up off the floor.

"What are you doing?" There was an accusatory tone in his voice, but also a streak of curiosity, and a bit of tiredness.

"Adding something. I'm not much of an artist, that's your job, but..." With that, Sammy drew a smiley face on the bandage.

"There. Forgive me for my evil deception?" Sammy said dramatically, knowing it would get a reaction. When it didn't, Sammy looked over at his friend. Henry was slumped against the wall, apparently asleep.

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