A New (?) Person

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     Sammy flew down the stairs so fast he was basically falling down them. He felt an emotion he hadn't felt since....well....since Joey put him in this blasted place. It was fear. Sammy Lawrence the man who the searchers loved and who the Ink Demon hated was scared. He didn't know why, and that somehow scared him more.

     He realized that if this person was in fact down here, and hurt that running around and making noise like a crazy person was not going to help at all. He slowed his pace as he walked into the familiar Music Department. Then he noticed there was a lot more ink on the floor than before.
      No, not ink. Blood. A dark trail of the substance trailed up the stairs to the projectionists booth.
    Joey smiled, even wider this time. The big premiere was starting.
  Sammy slowly walked up the stairs, and winced when he hears them creak. He makes it to the fourth step when he hears a gasp, then the noise being quickly stifled. He tries a different approach.

    "H-hello? Is someone up there?" Sammy winces as the words come out of his mouth, he hasn't talked in a long time. Nothing. "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear on Bendy."

    That gets a quiet laugh from the person before they cut themselves off again. That means they know who Bendy is. Could it be a worker? No, probably not. But, Sammy's sure he's heard that laugh before...but he could be wrong. At least now he can tell it's a guy and not a gal.

     So he tries again. If he can get him to talk, that might get the other person to come down. Sammy sits on the step.

      "Do ya get it? Swear on Bendy, 'cause he's ink, and you can write on him. And 'cause he's a demon."


Dang it.

      "Do you know that Bendy had to wear a little pink tutu in his cartoons? He looked like a croissant in a dress."

     Nothing again. Then, giggles, and full blown laughter. Sammy grinned at the happy noise. Then felt a bolt of shock when the person spoke.

      "Yeah. I knew that. I animated most of those episodes. He did look like a croissant in a dress." he said quietly.  Followed by another short giggle.

       Sammy couldn't be right he just couldn't be.  If he was, that meant...

       "Henry? Is...that you?" Was it? If so why is he here now, when he was never here before?
Joey was glad. Everything's falling into place. So far.
   "Wait I should ask a different question first." Sammy said, a little shaken now that he thought he knew who the person is.


   "Do you know who I am?" Sammy listened as he heard the other person take in a breath.

    "Yeah Samuel Lawrence. I know who you are. You're one of my best friends' you dumb fu-"

    The words that Henry was about to stay were cut off as Sammy ran up the stairs and hugged him. Sammy didn't want to let go. He had a friend. He had Henry.
    Sammy finally let go, after what felt like a lifetime to Henry, and put his hands on his friends shoulders. This has to be fake right? It...has to be. But it wasn't.

    Henry looked the same as the day he went missing. The same round dorky glasses and wild brown hair that Sammy always said looked like a bird's nest. He even had a half finished drawing in his pocket. Sammy stared; and stared some more.

   "Hey, uh are you okay Sammy? Sammy? Hellooo anyone home in there? What's with the mask?"

  Sammy snapped out of the staring episode he was having and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine just, shocked is all. The mask is...I just like it."

   He sat back and looked Henry up and down, seeing if he was the injured person; and of course he was. There was a long cut along his right forearm, and that's what was causing the literal bloody mess. Oh, there's his axe. He's gonna have to fight to get that back.

   "How'd that happen?" Sammy asked, gesturing to the injury to change the subject. Stubborn thing was still bleeding.

   "I fell through the floor, and cut myself on a board." Henry replied, and had the nerve to keep a straight face while doing so.

  "You fell through the floor." Sammy couldn't believe it.

   "And I cut myself on a board. Gee Sammy for a musician you have the worst hearing."

    "My hearing isn't the problem it's the fact that you could be more injured. How did the floor even break and-" He paused as he remembered the abyss like hole in the ceiling. "Oh. Forget the last two questions. But are you hurt?"

     "Giant cut. Kinda hurts Sam my man." That statement was followed by a knowing smirk.

      "Alright Smart Guy. One: do you have any injuries other than the cut; and two: how many times did I tell you not to call me that? Don't smirk at me you ass-"

      "Killjoy. To answer your questions no for one, and for two...bad words are mean Sam my man."

       "Henry, I swear to-"

       "To who huh? Bendy?" Henry cracked a grin.

       "No. Now let me look at the cut." He's in one of his moods. Great.

        "Are you suuure Sam? Come on. Laugh." In a poor attempt to make Sammy laugh, Henry tried to make devil horns with his hands, but winced when he lifted his arms up. Great Sammy noticed.

         With a heavy sigh Sammy held out his hand. "Come on let me look at it."


         "I thought we just went over this. You do not want an infection down here Hen." Nicknames might work. They did before I got trapped here. I need to ask him how he got here. That's for later.

         "No, it's not that Sammy its the fact that you have...ink...all over your hands." Hen?
          "Uh well that's actually my um hands. Not ink. So give me your hand."
            "Oh-kay. But can we do this somewhere that isn't the gross floor?"

             "Yeah. There's the infirmary. Come on." Sammy stood up and held out a hand, urging Henry to get up. Henry held on and Sammy pulled him up.

         "Sooo where's the infirmary?" Henry let go of Sammy's hand and held his injured arm. It was really starting to sting.
          "Down here. It's safe, trust me."

        They started to walk to the infirmary together; Sammy happy to have someone. They were almost to the steps that led down into the infirmary space when Henry suddenly whirled around and faced Sammy.

        "Hey hey what's wrong Henry!?" He didn't like the expression on his friends face. Is the demon here?

           The only reply was silence. Then, Henry cracked a smile a said in the most "innocent" voice in the studio, "I'm keeping the axe."

             Sammy smiled. Then he lunged for the weapon.
Joey was....surprised....to say the least. He didn't think they would trust each other that easily. Well, now that there's two of them, the real fun will begin. And real blood can be shed.







A New PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora