Chapter 13: The Decision

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Y/N stood there not sure what to do. His childhood friend was in front of him. They haven't seen each other in such a long time. Why would Kaneki want to see Y/N now after all of this time and leaving everyone to go on his own?

"Why are you here?" Y/N asked him. 

"I thought I made it clear. I want to talk with you," Kaneki told him. 

"Why? Why now?" Y/N inquired. 

A cool breeze flow past the pair. Y/N's body was slightly shaking due to the coldness that was in the air. His heart was already pumping seeing Kaneki and this was only making things even worse. 

"I need you," Kaneki answered. 

"Come again?" Y/N responded. He was confused by Kaneki's statement. He didn't understand why Kaneki would need someone like him. Someone who is just a human with a disease that gives him ghoul-like traits. He kept wondering until it hit him. "You want me for my knowledge of the CCG." 

"That is partly why I need you," Kaneki told him. 

"What's the other half?" Y/N asked trying to be as careful as he can during this conversation. 

"I need someone I can trust completely," Kaneki retorted. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I have a group of ghouls helping me to take down Aogiri Tree." 


"Someone like you would be a perfect addition. You're someone I can trust one hundred percent and your knowledge of the CCG is something valuable. I know you want to end the pain and suffering in this world and by joining me, you can help end Aogiri Tree," Kaneki fully explained. 

"I see..." Y/N said with the air being so cold, his breath was visible. 

"So, will you join me?" 

He thought about the whole thing. Kaneki is his best friend but he wasn't sure if this Kaneki was the same Kaneki he knew from before. He didn't know if this would be throwing himself into danger that could be so easily avoided. If he were to join, no doubt Touka would find out and he didn't want her to worry about him. So many thoughts and so many things to go over, he couldn't decide at this moment. 

"I... uh..." 

"You need some time to think," Kaneki stated. "I understand. I'll meet you here again at the exact same time as now. Come by whenever you have an answer." 

Kaneki takes off and Y/N stands there still wondering. He wasn't leading to any side. He wanted to help his friend but knew that was him trying to hold onto any connection he has with someone he considers family. But he didn't want to put himself into danger that can be avoided. Ever since the Aogiri Tree raid, it has left him worried about his death despite his extraordinary helping for a human. 

He just needed time to think, so he continued home, forgot about the interaction for the night, and slept. It was an issue to be dealt with for tomorrow and nothing to worry about for today, especially for the night. 

"And that's is the history for the planets!" said Y/N's teacher. Y/N, not caring about any of this, was sleeping despite getting a good night's rest last night. "Y/N!" the teacher shouted before smacking his extremely long ruler onto his desk. 

Y/N damn near jumps out of his seat as he was forcefully awakened. Touka face palms seeing this happen to her boyfriend. "Sleeping again in my class, I see," his teacher commented. 

"Hehe, yeah," Y/N retorted. 

"Did you not get those sleeping pills I recommended?" asked his teacher. 

"You underestimate my insomnia," the human joked. 

The teacher sighs. "Stay in my room after class," he told him. 

"Yes, sir," Y/N replied with a sigh as well. 

Soon, the class would end. The bell rings and everyone begins to leave. "That's the bell, make sure you get to your next class as soon as possible," the teacher told them all. "Except you Y/N. Stay." 

The boy did hold onto some hope that his teacher had forgotten about him and he would be free to leave. "Hey," said a feminine voice. 

He looked and saw his girlfriend. "Please, try not to get into any trouble," Touka told him. 

"I promise I won't," he reassured her. 

"Good. See ya," she said before walking away. 

"See ya." 

Once everyone had left, the teacher and Y/N had begun to talk. "Listen, I'm sorry for falling asleep in class," Y/N told him half-heartedly.

"Y/N, I understand. I just wanted to tell you just because school is ending for you soon, doesn't mean you should get lazy," the teacher explained. 

"I understand," Y/N retorted. 

"Now, go see the girl I set you up with," the teacher told him. 

"Will d- WAIT!!!" 

The teacher was smirking from ear to ear. "You're welcome. Now go!" his teacher told him. 

Y/N walks away not believing it. His teacher knew the whole time about his crush on Touka and set them up in a group to hopefully get them together. If anyone was the best wingman in the world, it would no doubt be Y/N's teacher. 

Later, Y/N and Touka would be out of school and were walking together. Touka sees his hand open and decides to reach her hand out to grab and hold his. Seeing this, he pulls his hand away and tells her "not before marriage!!" 

Touka looked at him utterly confused by his sudden outburst. "What?" she questioned. 

He smirks and holds out his hand to her. "I'm just joking. Here." 

She grabs his hand and they intertwine their fingers and both felt at peace. This is exactly what the pair have longed for all of their life. They were happy that they have found each other. Touka felt comfortable enough to lean her body onto his and laid her head on his shoulder.

He wanted to bring up the situation with Kaneki but didn't feel that this was the right time. And it was his decision to make. He'll let Touka enjoy this moment. He wanted to do anything for the girl that he loved. 

Hours later Y/N was waiting for Kaneki. "You're here," Kaneki stated from behind him. "I thought you would have taken much longer to think about it considering how you are." 

"I just stopped overthinking it. This decision was actually quite easy to come to when I stopped doing that," Y/N told Kaneki. 

"Okay then. Are you joining? Or not?" Kaneki asked his childhood best friend. 

"I am..."

Word Count: 1128

Author: 30k reads :D

See ya in the next chapter by the way. Peace! ;)

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