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Missed me? ;)

I know I said that I will take some time to come up with a new story as I had college stuff to worry about, but I just couldn't refrain myself from writing.

So here I am, with the third and last book of the series. I just couldn't leave Kabir behind without giving him his own love story.

If you haven't read the first two books of the series, please go and read them first. You can find it on my profile. Even though this book is a stand alone, reading those books first will really help you to get familiar with every character more deeply and you'd understand the plot much better.

Another important information before you move further is that this book is going to be more mature than my earlier books, as it will have more and much detailed intimate scenes. If you're not comfortable with it, or if you're too young for it, I suggest you don't read the book. Please don't hate on me later on as I've seen it happening with a lot of writers on Wattpad. You've been informed and if you still decide to move ahead with the story, it will be completely your decision.

I hope you'd be as warm and patient with me in this journey as you'd been in the earlier ones.

The characters aesthetics will be out by tomorrow, and I'll post the first chapter in a few days. So stay tuned, lovelies.

Read the first two books of this series before reading this one, please. You'll understand the plot much better.

Much power,
Authorhera 🖤❤

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