(27) Sex And Candy

Start from the beginning

“Now that I can get used to,” Daniel whispered, causing me to blush but to feel really happy at the same time. It was somehow very satisfying to know that I had made him happy.
“I should probably go,” I said, wishing I could stay with him instead.
“Okay, I’ll see you later,” he replied and I could feel his eyes on me as I turned away from him and made my way into the school.

He wasn’t the only one staring though. Kids were openly gossiping and looking at me and my stomach clenched with nerves but I was determined not to give into it. I had to be strong if I wanted to be with Daniel.

The bell rang as I reached my locker so I quickly sorted through my book, taking only the ones I needed and then made my way to homeroom. Kids were flooding into the classroom and I dreaded the fact that I had almost all my classes with Kelly. It was something I used to be very happy about but the friendship I treasured for most of my life had gone up in flames. In a few short weeks everything I knew and held dear has changed.

I slipped into my usual seat in the second row from the front and watched as Kelly made her way over to me and took her seat next to me.
“Hi,” she said, letting her bag fall to the floor and turning to me. She looked uncomfortable. Good.
“Hey,” I replied, deciding not to make this any easier for her.
“So, what happened on Saturday after I left? You haven’t been answering your phone,” she questioned like she didn’t already know. I’m sure my parents informed her.
“I’ve been busy,” I shrugged.
“Come on Candy, you're acting like nothing happened. I’m still your friend and I’m pretty sure you could use one right now,” she stated and I wished that I could believe her but I didn’t.
“Why? So that you can run to my parents and tell them all the juicy news?” I asked, almost sure that is what she will do if I tell her anything.
“They’re worried about you,” she stated. I looked from her to the desk in the front of the classroom where Mrs. Fletcher was sitting.

She never paid much attention to the kids in her class, leaving us to do whatever we wanted until the bell rang for first period. Today I wished she would tell us to stop talking but she wasn’t interested in what we were doing. The kids around us were however and this just irritated me even more. Why the hell is everybody so interested in my personal life all of a sudden?

“So you do know what happened,” I stated.
“Yeah, but I thought you would want to talk about it,” she replied.
“Nah, I’m good,” I said simply, hoping that she would just drop it but she didn’t.
“How can you be good Candy? Your life is a mess and… and this is nothing like you. What has he done to you?” she asked, raising her voice and causing the entire classroom to go eerily quiet.
“My life isn’t a mess,” I stated, trying to stay calm but I could feel my body tensing with anger. Who the hell does she think she is?
“Your my best friend, you can’t lie to me,” she challenged and that was as much as I was willing to take. I’ve had enough and she needed to be put in her place.
“Your ex best friend,” I said loudly, causing even Mrs. Fletcher to look up from her desk.
“I’m still you friend,” Kelly stated.
“No, you’re not!” I half shouted as I got to my feet and grabbed a hold of my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. I could see that she was going to reply but I didn’t give her the chance.
“You are such a fucken hypocrite!” I shouted and then strode out of the classroom. My body was pumping with adrenaline as I made my way down the quiet hall.
“Candy!” I heard her calling and felt myself getting even angrier. Why the hell would she follow me?

“What do you want?” I asked, the venom in my voice surprising me.
“I just… I… where are you going?” Kelly asked, all her confidence gone now that I had actually stood up for myself.
“Home,” I replied without over thinking it. I shouldn’t be at school today.
“That’s a good idea, your parents will be really happy,” she said, looking relieved.
“I don’t live with them anymore, or have you forgotten?” I asked, still furious at her.

She started saying something but I didn’t care what she had to say so I turned around and walked away. It felt good.
“Go back to class Kelly and don’t bother talking to me again!” I called over my shoulder, not bothering to look back.

I made it to the edge of the parking lot before the adrenaline that fueled my courage started wearing off. I could feel my body shaking but I refused to give in to it. I had to be strong; I am tired of being weak and scared.

It was quite a walk back to Daniel’s house however and I had a feeling that he wouldn’t be very impressed with me if I walked all the way so I opted to go to the mall. It was only a few blocks from my school and I seriously needed some new clothes anyway. I still had all my savings, which wasn’t much, but it will be enough to buy a few outfits.
Okay, so maybe I don’t really need new clothes, I have enough, but I wanted new clothes. I felt inadequate walking next to Daniel. He always looks so damn sexy and I just look plain so I wanted some items that will give me a little bit of confidence.

I tried not to overthink my choices as I fit them on and then proceeded to pay for them. They looked good on me but I’m just not the kind of girl who dresses for attention. It was going to take some getting used to but Daniel deserves somebody that looks good and I could at least try.

When I was done shopping I headed over to the park which was on the way back to school and made myself comfortable against a tree. I had the novel I was busy reading in my backpack so I took it out and got lost in it.

The sound of my phone ringing brought me back to reality and I nearly let the book fall as I dug it out of my pocket. It was Daniel’s ringtone and as I swiped right over the screen to answer, I also noticed the time. Shit. He is probably at my school waiting for me.

“Where are you?” he asked and I could hear he wasn’t happy at all.
“I’m just… I’ll be there now,” I stuttered.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just give me ten minutes,” I replied, knowing that will give me enough time to walk back to school.
“I’ll be waiting,” he stated and then the line went dead.

I had no idea how Daniel was going to react to the fact that I had skipped school and went to the mall but he will just have to deal with it. I chose to be with him but I still get to make my own decisions. Making him wait for me wasn’t a part of the plan however but I lost track of time.

I’m not sure how long it took for me to get back to school but as soon as his car came into sight I started freaking out. He had gotten out of it and was standing with his back to me, looking in the direction of the school.
“Daniel,” I called softly when I was close enough for him to hear. He spun around and a confused look crossed his face as he walked around the car to meet me.

“What’s going on?” he asked, as he opened the back door for me to place my bags inside. I was aware that we were attracting quite a bit of attention but at least half of the school population had already left and I just couldn’t really care anymore.
“I needed to go to the mall,” I offered, knowing how stupid it sounded.
“I’m not buying that Candy,” he stated as he took a hold of my hand and pulled me closer to him.
“I got into a fight with Kelly and I just couldn’t be here,” I answered honestly. He didn’t look happy.
“Why didn’t you call me to come fetch you?” he asked as he placed his other hand on my waist and took a step closer towards me, causing my stomach to contract for completely different reasons.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” I breathed, unable to look away from him.
“You should know better by now. I was worried,” he stated, pulling my body tightly against his.

He is right. I know that if I called him he would have come to fetch me but I just didn’t want to come across as a helpless little girl and I guess I was still kind of nervous to be around him, especially with all these feelings he causes me to feel.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you wory,” I breathed as he leaned in even closer.
“I know,” he replied and then he kissed me.

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