(27) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 27

I fell down on my bed, closing my eyes and refusing to cry. I had to get a grip of myself and decide what I want because I sure as hell can’t go on like this. I am busy driving myself insane and it isn’t fair on Daniel. He has been nothing but understanding and honest, what more can I ask for? It’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, the real question is whether I honestly think I could ever be with somebody like him, if I could ever fit into his lifestyle.

I didn’t know the answer to this question and the more I thought about it, the more confused I got. There are two things I am absolutely sure about. The first is that I want to be with Daniel. The second is that I need to stop freaking out. I am acting like a hormonal teenage brat who belongs on some fake reality TV show.

Knowing this didn’t make it any easier, it was as if I lost all sense of reasoning whenever I was near Daniel and I wound up freaking out most of the time. He was probably getting tired of my unpredictable moods because I know I sure as hell am.

I didn’t get much sleep and when it was time to get up to get ready for school I was silently cursing myself. I felt tired, irritated, and way out of my depths. I wasn’t ready to face the day, or Kelly, or anybody at school for that matter but I haven’t taken a day off since junior high so I showered, got dressed, did my hair and applied a load of make up to cover my tired looking face. When I was done I felt slightly better, if only for the fact that I looked good and nobody would notice what a mess I am.

My stomach was contracting with nerves as I made my way out of my room. I was a coward last night and now I had no idea what to say to Daniel, hell I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to talk to me at all.

I found him in the big open area upstairs; he was standing at the railing, looking down at the water feature. He is breathtakingly handsome and for a second I just stood there in the doorway of the passage, taking in everything about him. I was still contemplating what to say to him when he turned towards me and graced me with a slight but heart melting smile.

“Are you going to school?” he asked as he made his way over to me.
“Yeah, I was kind of hoping you would drop me off,” I answered, hoping that this would somehow make him see that I want to be with him.
“Are you sure?” he questioned as he came to a stop a few feet away from me.
“Yip, unless you have other plans,” I answered, wondering how he goes about doing his different jobs.
“No plans whatsoever,” he replied with a grin and I couldn’t help but return his smile.

Not one of us mentioned what happened last night and I was grateful for that. I knew we would probably have to talk about it sometime but now wasn’t the time; I just wanted to get through the day without having a breakdown. Daniel was being sweet but didn’t make any attempt to touch me. We ate breakfast and then he drove me to school in one of his sleek black sports cars. He dropped me off in the parking lot, insisting on opening my door for me and earning me a lot of unwanted attention.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that Daniel is so caring towards me and knowing that he wants me as much as he does is overwhelming and still a bit unbelievable but I was hoping to go through the day unnoticed. I knew it wasn’t going to happen though and I was tired of always over thinking everything. What is the point in fighting all these feelings I have for him? It’s not like they are going anywhere and if I’m going to get burned I might as well feed the fire and jump in head first.

Consequently my next move was not thought through at all. I acted on impulse as I took a step forward, pushed myself up onto my toes and placed a soft kiss on Daniel’s cheek. This was the first time that I made a move on him and I felt quite pleased with myself for having the courage to do it.

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