I'm Still Mad At You

Start from the beginning

"What is it with you thinking I want to control you? If I wanted a wife who followed orders, I sure as hell wouldn't have married you. It's not exactly one of your strong suits." Robert replied back with venom.

"Ugh," Andy growled in frustration. Why couldn't he see things from her perspective. "You don't get it do you? The moment I tell the department "I'm pregnant" I get mommy tracked. People start looking at me and treating me like I'm some flimsy, fragile damsel in distress who can't still do her job. It's bad enough that I have to worry about how my career will take a hit after the baby is actually here. Why should I put that kind of pressure on myself now? Especially before I have to." Her hands were firm at her hips and she returned his frustrated stare with an icy look of her own.

"Because every single day you put yourself in dangerous situations to save other people, Andy," Robert yelled in frustration. "It's not rocket science. There are all sorts of things that could go wrong, that could be harmful to you and our baby." Robert said. "Do I need to list them out for you?" He added with a smug expression.

Andy ignored his condescending question. "I'm healthy, smart and a damn good firefighter. And while I don't always listen to my limits, I do know them."

"This isn't about knowing your limits? It's about the fact that at any time, on any call, something could go wrong?" Robert argued. "And as strong and capable as you are, you aren't indestructible." Yes, Robert was angry, but really he was worried. He'd spent the last 24 hours thinking of every possible scenario that Andy could find herself in that might hurt her or their baby. "Almost thirty percent of female firefighter pregnancies end in miscarriage. Is that your goal?" The words slipped out before Robert could catch them. When he saw the reaction on her face, he knew it was the wrong move.

"What?" Andy heard the words, but she couldn't for the life of her understand why Robert would say something like that now. Incredulous, anger seethed through her. "How could you say something like that to me? All I'm saying is that I need time, dammit. And you accuse me of wanting to kill our baby? Do you really think so little of me?" Her thoughts were running a mile a minute, her breathing was ragged and she couldn't believe what had just happened.

"I'm sorry...I didn't...I'm just..." There were many things Robert wanted to say at that moment, but nothing would come out just right. Yes he was angry and frustrated with her, but really he was just worried. And everything in him told him to grip on tightly.

Andy heard what he was saying, but she'd considered the risks and they seemed acceptable. He was being overbearing and unreasonable. It's not like she planned to be out in the field with a baby bump, but she did want a few more weeks. Honestly she just needed more time to process and was disappointed that Robert couldn't understand that. "I'm done with this conversation." With that she shook her head in frustration and took a step towards the door.

Robert reached for her arm and pulled her back towards him. He took in the sight of his wife, skin slightly damp from her time on the dance floor, cheeks flushed, hair curly and wild, cleavage peeking out of the v-cut of her body-hugging, burgundy dress. Even angry with her, deeply frustrated, he could still acknowledge that she was the most stunning woman he'd ever laid eyes on and he was deeply in love with her. Leaving all rational thought behind, he did the one thing he knew would soothe them both.

He cupped both cheeks and pulled her into a bruising kiss. He kissed her roughly, his tongue taking possession of hers. Andy resisted at first. She pushed him away and gave him a look that said, what the f*ck. But it was milliseconds before their lips met again in an angry, passionate exchange.

When her back hit the firm wood of the shelves, Andy wrapped her arms around Robert's neck and got lost in the intoxicating feeling of his tongue. She shivered and opened wider to him, giving him the access he was so ruthlessly demanding. He slid one hand under her hair, lightly stroking the underside of her neck, but also holding her in place. His action was both sensual and dominant. Andy's body was on fire and her core flushed with need. Robert's kiss was irresistible. Hot, hard, persistent...he gave her everything he had and it was driving her insane.

Breathless, Robert ripped his mouth away from hers and moved his kisses to the exposed skin of her neck. Andy's head fell back in pleasure as he explored her with his tongue. Eyes closed, she felt every nerve in her body pulsating. His hands grazed over her breasts and through the smooth material of her dress. He squeezed gently and another involuntary moan was pulled from her.

Andy felt Robert's growing erection at her stomach and squeezed her legs in anticipation. Her hands coasted across his firm ass and pulled him closer. She wanted him and she wanted him bad. It didn't even matter that moments ago they were tossing insults back and forth, at the end of the day, they loved each other. Couples argued and made up. They would figure this out just like they did everything else. It wasn't long before her nimble fingers were unbuttoning Robert's dark suit jacket and pushing it off his shoulders. She loosened his tie, pulled his crisp white shirt from his waistband and sighed in pleasure as her hands slid underneath to the warmth of his skin.

Robert's hands moved to Andy's butt and he gripped her tightly, he was aching to sink into her. Pushing the hem of her dress up, he slipped a hand into her barely there panties and stroked her wet center. "Robert..." She moaned. He teased the sensitive bundle of nerves and listened as inaudible sounds of pleasure poured from her lips. It wasn't long before his patience got the better of him. He hooked a finger on each side and lowered her panties.

Andy's hands reached for Robert's slacks, and made quick work of the belt and buttons. In one smooth motion his boxer briefs were pushed down and she heard a strangled moan come from Robert's mouth as she stroked his length. In a flash she found herself hoisted up, legs cinched snuggly around Robert's waist and him pressing forward.

"Oh, God, Yes..." Andy breathed loudly as Robert thrust deep and hard inside her. He set a fast determined pace. One hand wrapped snugly around his neck, the other gripping the shelf behind her tightly. She was so wound up, she knew it wouldn't take much to send her over the edge.

"I will never get enough of you," Robert growled breathlessly in Andy's ear. Deeper, harder, faster... Adrenaline pumped through Robert's body. He bit back a groan as sensations of pleasure vibrated throughout his entire body.

"Robert..." Andy panted, louder this time. She was never good at staying quiet.

"Ssshh..." Robert said in a futile attempt to quiet her. He could feel her climax about to tear through her body and he knew he wouldn't be far behind. Bringing his hips up, he grabbed her ass more firmly to position her exactly where he knew they both needed. Feeling the slightest bit of contractions, Robert knew just what his wife needed to tumble over the edge. Reaching between them, he fingered her sensitive bud and made her detonate. He captured Andy's lips in a heated kiss, absorbing her vocal release. Robert groaned into their kiss just as she toppled over the cliff of pleasure, taking him with her and milking his release. Their muffled sounds of satisfaction mingled in the air as their bodies tried to recover.

Wordlessly, they held one another gaze and caught their breath. Robert eventually broke the silence. "I'm sorry. I hate fighting with you. I'm just worried." Robert said gently as he held Andy's gaze. Both of their crazed eyes were calm now.

"I know you are, but I need you to trust me. I promise I won't do anything I think will put our baby in jeopardy." Andy pleaded with softness in her voice.

"Okay," Robert responded, "Will you at least tell Maya? She won't make it official, but she will look after you. I can't be everywhere at once." They both chuckled slightly knowing he'd be watching her like a hawk. "And promise me you'll be more careful? I know you Andy. You take risks if you think it will save someone. " He added.

"I promise," Andy responded. "I love you."

Robert replied back easily. "I love you too." They shared a sweet, toe curling kiss. Andy's legs dropped to the ground and Robert made sure she'd regained her footing. They redressed, shared one more meaningful look and exited the closet. After a quick stop at the bathrooms to freshen up, hand in hand, they rejoined the party.

A short while later Maya asked Andy. "Did I see what I think I saw?" A small grin of approval grew on her face.

"What do you think you saw," Andy asked as she sipped her ice water to cool herself down.

"Private party for two?" Maya replied with a raised eyebrow, while Andy said nothing only gave her a knowing smile. "Nice."

"I think I'm going to dance with my husband," Andy said casually, never confirming or denying her friend's assessment. With that, Andy found Robert in the mix of the station 19 fam and pulled him onto the dance floor.

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