when they're sleepy

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-Can't speak correctly

-Continuously Yawning
-Giggly like Dream
-Plays with your hair
-Traces shapes on your thighs

-Keeps telling you he's not tired
-"Sleep is for the weak!"
-Muttering a bunch of random stuff
-Eventually falls asleep mid conversation

-Similar to Tommy, muttering a bunch of random but really wholesome and cute stuff (ex: you look so pretty in that shirt, your eyes look like flowers I saw outside today)
-Keeps offering to do stuff
-Begs you to take a bath with him (it's random but it's a headcanon I have for a bunch of people that they love to take baths with their significant other

-Doesn't scream or curse
-Really chill
-If you move, he follows you
-Tries to do stuff but ends up becoming too tired to even move and falls asleep in your arms

-He's not the most physical person, so probably just sitting next to you
-So sleepy it's hard for him to talk

-Does that thing where you continuously readjust yourself so you can be as close as possible to the person
-Literally moves your arms in any way he wants just so he can be comfortable
-Uses you as a blanket

-Makes you sit next to him
-Demanding because he is too tired to think straight based on kindness
-Calls you things like pet, child, thing, etc.
-in the morning realizes he was being rude and does a huge apology

-Similar to Karl, he uses you as a blanket and maneuvers you like a stuffed animal
-Moves you in any way he wants just to make himself comfortable
-Eventually falls asleep on you

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