hes drunk

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For the people who can not drink yet, it is okay to age them up since it is nothing sexual. :)

He would cling on to you and not leave your side. He is aware that he isn't able to look at situations correctly so he makes sure he is by you to know what to do. If he's really drunk he's defiantly one to start a fist fight with a stranger.

I have so many headcanons oh my gosh. He's really giggly and clingy, sometimes even wanting you to literally hold him. He's really sweet and filled with compliments, surprisingly. He would also just fall asleep as soon as he got comfortable. It would probably go like this:

"Hey, *hic* Y/N.." George stumbles slowly toward me and collapses onto my chest.
"Hi Gogy." I say, stroking his hair. He had done a drunk stream today, so he was, well, drunk.
"You're so pretty." He says, as he starts to fall asleep, breathing into my chest.
I wrapped my arms around him and he was already passed out.

I can't really see much changing tbh. He's just sort of stumbling and stuff but that's all I can really headcanon.

HE WOULD BE CRAZY. Laughing at everything and everyone for sure. He would be super hyper but have a full crash and sleep for 18 hours lol. Then he would throw up and have a major headache.

He's either super hyper or really sleepy. He would be bouncing off the walls and laughing at everything, stumbling around, then the next minute he would be on the couch with a headache and whining.

Giggly boi is all I have to say.

He would try to paint his nails but would end up using gross colors and can't keep a steady hand. After that he would come and sit next to you, and ask you if he was acting drunk.

Wouldn't really do anything besides stand there. Laugh a bit more than usual and has slurred speech. And of course, his memory is even worse.

Jack Manifold:
General personality change. He would literally become the opposite of his normal self.

A/N I removed fundy and Wilbur because we have already seen them pretty drunk lol

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