"Tell me about it later. I'm driving to the bridge, then to my museum and I'm also going to try giving him a call. Where are you if I don't find him there?" I asked him, turning onto a major road to get me to the bridge. I hated to think that's where he would go, but he once told me he wanted to jump off it so I decided that's a good place to start the search.

"I'm at his house. I just want to know if he's okay!" Louis cried, making my heart hurt for him. Louis loves Liam, and Liam loves Louis even if neither of them want to admit it. I don't want either of them getting hurt right now, physically or emotionally.

"I know, Lou. Just wait patiently while I call him and look for him. Stay calm and pray that he's alright." I told him them hung up to call Liam. The phone rang a few times until it sent me to voice mail. That made me feel a bit relieved that Liam was still alive to use his phone, but it made me feel on edge of why he wouldn't answer my call. I dialed him again and got the same response.

I arrived at London Bridge and saw that no one was even walking on it. I got out of my car and looked for any signs of Liam being here, but found nothing. I called his phone one more time to shut up my scared brain that was saying he jumped and when it rang and got hung up, I knew he didn't.

I got back in my car and drove down to my art museum in case he went there looking for me for some reason, but there was nothing. This was becoming terrifying for me and making me feel anxious, so decided to go to his house to get more information out of Louis.

The second I drove up, Louis came rushing out holding one of Liam's sweatshirts with fat tears rolling down his sharp cheek bones. He looked at the car for Liam as I got out and when he didn't see him, he fell to the grass in tears.

"Where is he!?" He screamed at me, then buried his face into the sweatshirt. I went over to him, picking him up off the ground and carried him back inside. He was weakly punching me and crying for me to put him down, but I ignored him at set him on the couch.

"Louis Tomlinson! Calm the fuck down and maybe we'll find him better that way! I'm going to go make you some goddamm tea and when I come back you better have your pretty ass calmed down!" I yelled at him, making him shut up and listen to me. I wasn't angry, I just need him to listen and sometimes yelling is the only way of getting that to happen. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen.

I heard Louis sniffle and let a few more sobs out, then by the time I had his tea, finished he had pulled himself together and was sitting on the couch smelling Liam's sweatshirt. I gave him the tea and he took a few sips of it before I sat next to him and put and arm around his shoulders.

"Sorry for yelling. You just needed to calm down." I told him, making him nod and look at me with those blue eyes that held so much fear.

"Look at the left sleeve of this jacket. There are lines of blood on it. I only know one way of those getting there, and I wish all of me that I'm wrong but I know I'm right." Louis told me and flipped the sleeve inside out so I could see the blood stains. I looked away and bit my lip to hide the things I'm feeling. I need to be strong for Louis, my emotions can wait.

"Lou, I know this will be a hard decision for you and it will mean allot of time not seeing him, but when we find him we both need to get him help at a mental health facility. He's obviously self-harming and he's not stable enough to be apart of everyday life. Would you help sign him into a facility to get him help? I'll pay for the best one out there, I'll do whatever it takes but Liam needs to get better." I told him, making his blue eyes look so sad I felt some of my own tears threaten to spill. He nodded at me and looked down at the blood stained sleeve.

"If that's what he needs, that's what I'll help him get. He's everything to me, I don't ever want to loose him." He told me, then wrapped his arms around me for a hug. We only hugged for a few minutes before my phone rang making me answer immediately.

Little Bird (Ziall Horlik) M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now