Chapter #11 #NSFW

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Voices echo over my direction and when I look up I see Alanche and Me-Crazy up on the small balcony. He is backing her against the banister, hands squeezed into tight fists.

"Me-Crazy!" I shout and she looks over her shoulder, surprised or rather terrorised, to see me down there on the lawn. "Jump! I'll catch you,"

Alanche glances past Me-Crazy and throws his hands up. "Where did she suddenly come from?" He says in exasperation.

While he walks a circle in evermore increasing exasperation on the balcony, he is distracted enough that Me-Crazy mounts the drizzly-white banister. I gesture frantically with my hands to motivate her to hurry up. Alanche finishes his circle and as he notices something is wrong, he stumbles towards Me-Crazy with his hands out to grab her but in the same moment Me-Crazy is already on the other side and pushes off.

She is diving through the air in straight form and I step forward just in time to catch her by wrapping my arms around her waist. We spin in a half-circle before her feet smoothly land on the ground. I keep one arm around her as I push her after myself, running back towards the graveyard gates.

"You have no right!" Alanche's voice hollers behind us, but we aren't even listening. "Come back and take the punishment. Come back!"

Me-Crazy speeds up to hold the gate open for me and shows Alanche the finger. For some reason though when I look back I see Hallo Kitty propped on the balcony, waving back mechanically. Not Alanche.

"Why did you go back to him?" I ask between breaths as we jog down the street a little later.

She shrugs. "I still had something in the Diner that I had to retrieve."

The Diner. So that's what the place was called, I think nonchalantly to myself. We come to a halt by a lamppost and she pushes a heart-shaped thing into my hands. I clutch it tightly in grasp, my body starting to shake as the heart triggers memories up in my mind. My eyes start to water from the sweet gesture of getting my bag out of the building for me despite the risks involved.

"How did you know it's mine?!"

She grins, amused. "We don't usually have cool things like that lying around."

"You thinks it's cool?"

"Yeah, I like it."

I put it over my shoulder and she takes the frayed string with her soft hand, pulling me towards her. Our lips clash, moving together in a soothing rhythm. I worm my arms around her waist and kiss back harder until she emits a little gasp and while I let her catch some air I move down to smoother her neck with kisses, sucking on her skin.

With bugs in my brain and bees popping honey into my eyeballs like they are wax cells of a honeycomb, I feel myself falling into a sort of haze with her, a whirlwind around us making us go from making out to walking for a bit and then make out again, like walking was merely a bad idea.

She traps my hips between her thighs, causing me to blush with the heat rushing through my system like fire bolts.

Her lips were starting to move more weakly after being burdened by my lips for long, so I take the cue and trace her bottom lip with my teeth before I crawl a little lower. In the process my sweater is pulled upwards from her leg so when I lie down I feel the cold grass tickling my belly.

Her moans ring in my ears when I pull the waistline of her pants down and plant my lips on her mound. I pull off the rest of her pants and help her moan louder by dragging my tongue against her slit. I move my tongue around freely until I lock on the spot, somewhere around the middle of her clit, that earns me deep and halting breathing where it sounds like she is about to stop breathing altogether.

When she is almost there I put my fingers over the same spot that she liked while I move up, kissing her stomach, her neck, and from there on I cover her mouth with my palm and watch as she rolls her eyes back until there's only white just as her legs hold my arm with a strong grip.

"Let it all out," I say, listening to the buzzing sounds that gets muffled by my hand.

She looks at me and I smile.

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now