Chapter #10

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The night was slowly setting over the graveyard when the gate wails open as Me-Crazy kicks it open. I'm about to enter when she suddenly steers around and slams the gate shut in front of my nose and squints at me between the bars.

"What are you doing here?"

I blink a few times and she fills in the silence when I miss the moment to come up with a response. "We killed your parents, your debts paid off. Go scramble,"

Remembering what she said before, that I should be grateful, makes this scenes she's throwing totally irrational and I don't where it was coming from all of a sudden.

"Didn't you say before I should be grateful?"

"Yah. Missed yah chance. Go to hell and live in the woods,"

"Are you going to let me in or not?"

"Why are you so obsessed with Me-Crazy,"

I drag the gates back with my weight, suddenly feeling like I'm a drug addict trying to get closer to my fix. All kind of thoughts are bursting in front of my eyes, and all have to do with her. With her irrationality, her craziness, her complete and utter nonsense.

And one more thing, I see the name on the gravestone like a sudden after effect that only pops up when it's long gone from being of any relevance because nobody was there to confront them about it. The name makes me sick to my stomach, like I have to puke all over again.

I rattle the gate, trying to fight it open with pure violence now. And there's not Me-Crazy in front of me anymore but the largest figure of a Hello Kitty that I've ever seen blooming into monster size.

"Hi Mary, what's the bother?" It asks in a sweetish voice that leaves traces of acid hanging in the air.

"I need to get inside." I inform Hello Kitty politely.

It smiles. "Why do you need to get inside, Mary? What happened?"

"Nothing yet. And so much already."

"That doesn't sound good...?" Hello Kitty makes a worried expression, and she truly does make it because it looks like a real strain on her to distort her plastic face into that expression.

"No, it doesn't."

"How does that make you feel, Mary?"

I'm thinking of an answer when suddenly there's a time jump and I feel like a boat that was just docked on the shore to now being on the middle of the sea.

A little later I wake up to daylight with the Hello Kitty thing having dissolved into nothing but a bizarre memory.

My hands are still clinging to the bars of the gate while my body is slumped on the bottom of it. I get a weird feeling all of sudden that I had missed something detrimental, so I pull myself up and head through the graveyard glancing around for clues of what happened after I passed out.

My eyes meet the grave that Alanche had cried over yesterday but it doesn't stir me up as much as it had in that surreal state.

I read the name on it with only a semblance of nausea swimming in my stomach acid, but nothing else. I'm almost calm. Like I have accepted for the longest time that Alanche would not only kill my parents but me too. I kick dirt into the beginnings of a hole that is dug into the heart of the grave, and image my corpse going down there.

Why am I not running?

Am I suicidal? Or do I have a death wish perhaps? When I think of it this way, I would say that I had neither but there was also nothing making me seek the exit even if it was a few feet away, swinging lightly in the breeze.

Maybe it was my parents. If I let him kill me I would join them and things would turn back to normal. They would, wouldn't they if I assembled all the missing elements together to make it whole and mom and dad always seemed to make it whole.

Another thought struck me that I wasn't prepared for because it came with even more uncertainty. Since Me-Crazy wasn't here with me maybe Alanche had long followed up on his promise, and killed her.

I wander through the graveyard with my eyes open for her name, but it's not there. Neither Me-Crazy or Shirley. Which makes me consider wether those were even her real names or she was lying to me. She was acting so strange in our last moments together, and I still couldn't put my finger on it other than that she was actually mad that I was a traitor for even considering the cabin instead of Alanche's place, which is a pastel building with the darkest nondescript windows. Making for a harsh contrast that annoyed my eyes.

My instinct were nudging me to go inside like a few immature friends pushing you to your crush, and my crush was Death. But then another heinous thought struck me, what if my crush was dead?

I wouldn't care. Which wasn't only the truth but has to be, otherwise I would be an actual traitor to my parents. I don't care if I'm a traitor to Alanche.

And this is the truth that finally put me back in action, as I marsh to the building. At the door I suddenly remember that I don't have anything to defend myself with so I look around for anything sharp.

There aren't any small objects in the area except of a plastic picknick set cluttered away on a sparse terrace. Just so two chairs and a circular table, both looking like they could easily be picked up by a draft. I knock the chair over, smashing my foot against a leg until it comes off.

The hallway smells of chalk and rainwater when I slink in through the creaky door, concentrating on spying out any noises coming from the upper rooms. There wasn't much, but I could swear I hear footsteps from somewhere pacing around.

When I arrive at the staircase however all the bravery that helped me to go into the building washed off of me. This was as far as I was going to go.

"Me-Crazy are you OK?" I shout against the stairs where the darkness peaked at the top. No answer. Maybe she really was dead then. My heart rate accelerates and it takes me every ounce to not run out of the building and to never look back.

I hear a gunshot going off. My vision becomes a theatrical blur of colours and I'm suddenly at the door, hitting the rosegold handle until the door creaks open again and I burst through it into the green lawn and blue sky.

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now