Chapter #3

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The next time Me-Crazy acknowledges me is when the car comes to a hard full stop. I flounder out of my seat and start choking on the belt, but thankfully my neck didn't snap. I am still alive.

The door jams open, but not mine. Only once that doors smashes shut again with a aggression that seems quite unnecessary, does mine open, almost as violently as I am being shoved to my feet.

She yanks my belt, snapping impatiently. 'Use your legs,'

I'm shoved across the open parking lot which isn't lighted by lamppost anymore but the sun. In other words, whoever this person is really doesn't give a fuck if someone catches them broad daylight.

I'm blinking against the bright light when a  helicopter passes overhead us and I silently hope someone could see what was going on down there and raise an alarm.

Me-Crazy only acknowledged it with a scowl however, like the noise was an annoyance but nothing else.

I'm almost relieved when we're not alone anymore. Even if the guy that joins us is bulging under his clothes with muscles, and when he locks his hand around my arm in a chain grip.

'I'm throwing her in the truck. Is the mumsy dead?'

Me-Crazy stands there, scowling at the guy like he had just offended her by something he said. And I'm slowly thinking that she just got a resting bitch face because she's been looking like this since the first time I saw her.

'Yeah,' She lulls weakly and let's her bottom lip hang.

'And the dad? Is he dead too?'


The guy rolls his eyes. 'Is the father dead too.' And without waiting for an answer he throws his hands up. 'He needed to be dead too. Can't you get anything done, you useless waste of life. Hey. Nah, where the fuck do you think you're going?'

The guy let's go off my arm to stomp after Me-Crazy who is walking, while mumbling a string of angry words under her breath.

Without wasting a second my eyes dart around looking for a quick escape. All my life I had mastered the ability to remain calm in situations where you seem stuck, in a state of nausea or perplexed stupor, but something else than panicking was happening to me right then. I was feeling too numb to move.

Which was arguably the opposite of panicking but right then it felt like me running away screaming hysterically would serve me much better than being rooted to the ground unable to move.

My kidnappers are arguing under a traffic sign which is burning green now. Me-Crazy looks like he wants to take advantage of that colour but that guy holds him back, begging now. Which was really weird to see a buff guy like that do to a girl half his size with a bowl cut and eternal scowl.

A grandma walks up to me, looking shaken. "Are you okay, dear? do you need help?"

I smile at her, wondering in the next second why the hell Im doing that and not blurting out what happened. "Yes, everything's fine. My friends," I add with a nod towards them, rolling my eyes.

The older woman looks to the guys with a desperate expression. "They don't seem like the kind of guys a girl like you would be calling her friends..."

I follow her gaze. "No, they're aight."


"Alright, sorry. I must've picked that up from them."

She nods slowly. "I will take your word for it then, if you say you're fine..."

It wasn't all lost, I'm thinking while she waits for an answer. I can still tell her that I need help and she needs to call the police asap for first degree murder and taking hostages. "I'm fine."

I want to kick myself but I just have to helplessly watch as the woman fades down the streets and the buff guy returns to me. Without Me-Crazy.

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now