Chapter #1

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Everything that has an entrance, like a gap to slip through or a plain doorway, usually also comes with a way out. An exit. Or at the worst case scenario, a makeshift escape with the right pioneer spirit. Whatever it is, what goes inside comes out. So as the other way around.

And that's what I have to keep in mind to stop panicking while my head hangs over the toilet seat. The toilet seat itself was almost surreal itself, nothing you would expect when you storm into the backrooms of a gas station, carrying acid in your mouth and doing your hardest not to splatter it over the black and white tiles or the hello kitty toilet seat. I hated people that left drops of piss on them like sorry ass tears that come with a insincere apology. I wouldn't be like them. But this design was testing me.

The nausea rode through my body like a ship that hadn't set their anchor yet, but I knew it would happen any moment. It always came all of sudden, one to hundred. And then all at once.

But stuck in this liminal space of nausea I just wanted to wink out of existence to make it easier on myself. My panic rose, and then the vomit tore through my throat and into the toilet water. And being the ceo of the vomit sport, not a single droplet landed on the Hello Kitties that kept smiling at me with enduring kindness.

Once my heart rate goes down, my ears recover enough from the pressure that I can hear minuscule sounds again like water rushing through the tubes and the door stuttering with creaks whenever the wind moved it slightly.

I remove myself from the restroom, clutching my small heart shaped wallet to my chest that was already fraying despite being newly bought. Just the way it was with fast fashion. A shiny thing today, and a shiny thing tomorrow too, just as a different item. I was thinking of that one bag I wanted to buy at Castillo while, without looking, I grab a bottle from the freezer and carry it over to the counter.

'Will that be everything?' The clerk asks me, probably because I'm still eyeing the candy on the left like I might still make an impulsive buy.

I grab a bag of skittles and toss them on the counter with the soda. And oh, it's a pepsi cola. Just the thing I wanted even though my mouth was so acidly it would be satisfied with anything liquid. The clerk keeps staring. It's like he's making me buy more.

'That's everything.' I blurt before he manages to do so, and pull a few dollars from the small heart.

The clerk keeps staring.

'Something wrong?'

'You might want to stay a little longer here,'

'Excuse me, what?!'

Instead of answering the clerk fiddles around under the counter, and with jangling keys walks to the entrance door.

My chest flares with panic, thinking I might be in for a gruesome scenario like him murdering me a few steps away from safety. My parents were still waiting in the car, where they enjoyed their takeout food while I was making a massacre of myself.

If I do get murdered they wouldn't even notice until too late, when my decapitated head would be rolling towards their car. And even then, they'd probably brush it off and think it was just some tumbleweed. This scenario makes me panic.

'You can't lock me in against my will!' I exclaim erratically and that's when I see it. There's panic in his eyes too.

'Keep your voice down. You don't want to attract the attention of it.' His eyes point towards a lone shadow standing in the mist of the desolate street.

And while Im staring at it in a state of stupor, the keys turn inside the door. And like this sets of a chain reaction, the silhouette steps out of the shade, and once just a black outline the lamppost lights up it's features.

It's a girl, I realise with horror.

'I've got to warn my parents. They're still in the car. Mom, oh my god, MOM NO—'  My fists hammer against the glass of the window as my world is crushed right before my eyes.

At that moment I don't even care, couldn't, if the girl sees us because something ten times worse than her killing us happened. She is about to kill my parents.

Mom screams in the passenger seat when a fist smashes through the window just before her nose. And in an attempt to escape it she almost manages to climb into dad's seat, which he already abandoned to flee into the bushes, but the seatbelt is holding her back.

'Mom the seatbelt!' I scream, hammering my fist. The door opens. Not from the store, but mom's. And then it is all over her. I press my eyes shut, hearing dad's voice in the distance. And I tell myself, It's just a dream, It's all just a crazy dream.

And like in a dream sequence I burst through the door which is suddenly open and try to get to mom. My hands get cut on the broken window, and then I'm pushed inside. Pressed into the seat as the car speeds from 0 to 100 with a crying engine.

Me-Crazy's kitty (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now