chapter six

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As the group pushed through the grievers snarling growls, you couldn't help but look for Newt. He had run up in front of the group with Thomas and Minho while you defended the back of the group with Frypan, Clint and Jeff.
Teresa and Chuck were towards the middle, trying to get the key to the door without becoming griever bait.
"Woah!" Clint shouted, dodging a massive griever.
Jeff attempted to run out to Clint but you grabbed his arm, pulling his body out of the path of the oncoming griever.
"Jesus Jeff" you laugh shouted "Didn't see that griever there?"
He winked at you, out of breath before throwing his spear over your head and into the charging grievers skull.
He laughed as the beast screamed and fell off the side of the platform.
"Serves him right" he joked again.
Jeff always seemed to find the good in scary situations, you admired that.
"Nice one Jeff!" Minho half shouted through heavy breaths. You cocked your head away from Jeff and noticed that the front of the group had now merged with you, defending Teresa and Chuck who had made it to the door.
"We need a 8 digit code, Thomas!" Teresa shouted.
As she yelled, two of the scaly monsters charged towards the group. You lunged forward with Frypan at your side, stabbing your spears forward.
The grievers roared aggressively back at you.
"Look out Fry!" Clint shouted as a griever fell over the group.
He ran forwards and knocked Frypan out of the way, causing himself to be encased by the creatures knife like claws.
"CLINT!" Jeff shouted in the most heart broken tone.
Clint's lifeless body was thrown over the edge of the platform and Jeff fell beside you heartbroken.
"Jeff you gotta get up" you yelled. You looked down at your once cheerful and happy friend and saw nothing but tears. That moment was the moment that you realized Gally was right. You shouldn't have convinced them to leave. They were dying and it was all your fault.

"Minho the code!" Thomas shouted, bringing you back to reality.
As Minho yelled the 8 numbers to Teresa you pulled Jeff back to his feet and handed him a spear from the ground.
"Got it!" Chuck yelled, laughing.

"Come on!" Frypan yelled at the grievers as the walls began to close. One by one the grieves were crushed by the falling doors.
You were only seconds away from safety and the only thing slowing the paradise down, was the last 4 grievers.
"Minho!" Newt shouted from beside you. You hadn't noticed that you were leant up against him and that he had one hand on your wrist.

Minho was face to face with the biggest griever, it's teeth only inches from his throat. He shouted in exhaustion as the griever inched closer and closer to his skin.
Jeff's shaken body turned to face you and gave you one last saddened look.
"Jeff no!" you yelled, reaching forward to grab him.
You were too late though, he ran forward and drove his spear into the grievers skin, freeing Minho.
The griever's teeth dug into his dark skin and screams erupted from his lips.
You rushed forward and grabbed Jeff's hand, he cried out as the griever pulled him away from you.
"Y/n you gotta let him go!" Minho yelled from behind you.
Newt pulled you against him, as Minho shouted. He forced your head against his chest and held your trembling body in a tight embrace, his face against yours as Jeff's body was torn apart by hungry grievers.
Jeff's screams became muffled as the door finally closed and locked the group in. Newts slight tears damped your hair as he held you close to his sweaty skin.
You wrapped your arms around him and held on as the room you were in began to descend as if it were some sort of elevator.

The descent was quiet, no one spoke, the only sound were the stifled sobs of some of the gladers and the heavy breathing of others.
As the room came to a halt, you felt Newts head lift off of yours and look around.
You did the same, removing your head from his chest and trying to make out anything in the dark room.
"Look" Thomas whispered. He pointed his cut up finger at the tiny sliver of light along what you thought was a wall.
"It's a door" Newt said making eye contact with Thomas.
You unwrapped your arms from around his waist and followed his as he squeezed through the group of boys.
You both dug your fingers into the small crevasse and began to pull with Thomas.
The door was heavy and rusted as if it hadn't been opened in a really long time.
"Almost there" Thomas grunted.
The door slowly opened and the group began to squeeze their way out into the dimly lit hallway.
"What is this place" Frypan asked looking around.
You wanted to ask the same question but you couldn't speak, your eyes were fixated on the blinking red sign.


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