chapter seven

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"Do I open it?" Frypan whispered, looking at Thomas. Thomas glares in your direction than up at Newt who was already looking at him.
Newt nods at him and pulls you closer so that your back was against his chest.
"Open it" Newt says calmly.
The group became tense and you felt Chucks chubby hand grip your arm.
You wrapped your bloodied hand around Chucks and gave him a small squeeze of reassurance.
"To paradise?" Minho half asked, smiling goofily as Thomas reached for the handle.
Thomas' hand gripped the metal handle and to his surprise, it was unlocked.
He took a deep breath as he pushed the heavy door open.
The room behind the door was a dimly lit corridor leading to a larger room. There were bodies surrounded by blood, scattered all over the floor of the hallway.
"Looks like there's been a shucking massacre" Frypan choked, tiptoeing over a body on the floor.
Chucks grip tightened around your hand as Minho kicked a gun away from one of the bodies.
The group walked through the entrance to the larger room and were greeted by even more bodies.
Screens lit up the large wall and the group dispersed throughout the room.
You found yourself drawn to a small screen in the corner of the room.
It was security footage...your hut.
"They've been watching us" Newt scoffed from across the room.
You couldn't believe it. For around a year you were watched by what seemed to be dozens of, now dead, scientists and the boys had been watched for even longer.
Frypans large hand snakes its way around your shoulder and pulled you away from the screen.
"Don't worry about that now y/n, we're out" he grinned whole-heartedly.
He guided you over to Newt and Minho who were examining a large man on the ground.
"I don't know how a bullet could have killed this guy" Minho snickered, poking the man's bullet hole with his foot. "the guy's huge"
As Minho finished his sentence, a video sprung on the large screen in front of you, causing you to jump.
An older looking woman with blonde hair, dressed in white sat in front of the camera.
"Hello my name is Dr.Ava Paige" she spoke in a shrill voice. The group gathered in front of the screen in a form of huddle, whispering quietly to each other.
"I'm Director of Operations at the World Catastrophe Kill zone Department"
She continued explaining her role while the group exchanged looks.
"If you're watching this, it means you have successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there to congratulate you in person....but circumstances seem to have prevented it." You peered around the room at the cracked screens and bodies.
As she continued on about the likelihood of your anger towards her, Newt scoffed in agreement.
"You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives were lost to fire, famine suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. But what came after was worse"
Horrible images flashed over the screen. Piles of bodies scorched by fire and collapsed buildings flooding the streets.
"We call it the flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain"
Worse images flashed over the screen. People with the virus thrashing and screaming. You turned you face away from the screen and saw that Minho was doing the same. This virus was far to familiar to the changing he had lost many friends to in the glade.
"In time, a generation was born who could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was hope for a cure but finding it would not be easy"
She explained that the creators had placed the gladers inside of the maze.. which she called "a harsh environment" so their minds could be tested.
When she said her last line "W.C.K.D is good" she placed a jet black pistol to her temple.
"Oh my god!" you heard a boy yell.
She pulled the trigger and the group gasped, all turning your heads away from the screen. All except Minho, he kept his eyes fixated on the screen.
Thomas noticed Dr. Paiges body on the ground and began to walk towards it, the rest of the group following him.
You on the other hand, made your way over to Minho who couldn't break his eyes away from the screen. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he shuddered under it.
He turned his head slowly towards you and revealed his tear filled eyes.
"It's not safe out there is it?" he trembled.
"the flare? it's like getting stung?" he wasn't waiting for your response.
He threw himself towards you and wrapped you in a hug. No tears escaped his eyes just  heavy breaths against you.
The group of boys walked over and joined the hug as the large doors of the room opened.
"We'll always have each other guys" you say, leaning your head into the hug.

- - -
The room was silent for a few moments before the hug pulled away.
"What happens now?" Chuck asked Thomas, staring out the open doors.
As Thomas stepped forward, about to exit the room, a familiar voice spoke from behind you.


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