Chapter 4: The night

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They come in the corridor in front of her apartment, when they start kissing. They walk to her door, kissing and laughting because of what they're doing in a corridor where everyone could see or ear them.

They finally come in front of her door, she looks for her keys in her small handbag when he's kissing in her neck and putting his hands on her waist, trying to Brings her body against him.

She find out her keys and makes a lil laugh, trying to open her door with her right hand in his neck, to not stop him kissing her like this.

She opens the door and turns around to kiss him, she wrapped her legs around his waist to not stop the kiss and come in the the apartment. He walks to the kitchen, puts her on the countertop and pull off her black top, he looks at her for one second, to look how much she's hot topless and he says

« The waiting was worth it, you're so gorgeous »

And start kissing her again, while she was trying to open his white shirt. When she removed all buttons, he takes it off and the only thing Chris sees is the huge bandage on his torso, it reminds her how much the surgery was dangerous and how he could died alone at the hospital, two months ago. But she can't think about that right now.

He slowly takes off her bra and start kissing her lower.

With one hand on his head so he doesn't stop to kiss her and an other on the countertop, she drops the fruits basket on the ground.

They look at it on the floor, look at each other and they both laugh very low so as not to make noise.

He takes her back in his arms and go to the bedroom. Puts her on the bed kissing her and go down on her....


[I'm not gonna tell all the details but you know what happen then so...|maybe kids read this🙄I stop here ;) ]


They're in the bed, looking at each other after having sex

Chris: « Luca is going to looking for you »

« Yeah I know, but I don't want to leave you » replies Street

She smiles at him

« It's hard to hide to everyone our relationship,... I mean, I want to say to the world that you're mine » street said

« Me too but you know that we can't be in the same team and in a relationship, if we want both we have to keep this secret for some times » she replies

Street: « yeah...I know » with a sad voice

« Well, I should go, Luca is probably back at home,

Text me if you want to go out tomorrow » He says while getting dressed.

He turns around the bed to kiss her one last time, 

He goes to the door to leave, while she's looking at him and she says


He turns around

..I missed you too » with a smile

He smiles, turns around and he leaves the apartment

Chris ears the door slamming and smiles again, realizing what she just did

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