"Minhyuk. Can you not kill him?" Hoseok sighed. "Well, someone has to scold him." The silver head huffed but patted the wounded man on the shoulders, quietly asking if the hits had hurt. Hyungwon smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Also, Minhyuk. Never say 'whipped' again." Hoseok sighed, handing Hyungwon a plate and a fork. It was a basic breakfast with a few toast and some fruit slices. Probably made by Seonghwa, considering the assortment of pills too.

"Why not?" "That's... You're over thirty." The leader sighed and sat down next to the youngest of them. "And what about it? I can talk how I want." Minhyuk argued and huffed sitting down on the chair that had been left next to the bed.

Hyungwon listened to the two men squabble as he ate his breakfast. he froze slightly when Hoseok ran his fingers through his messy hair.

The hitman then cleared his throat. "When are we going home?" He asked, trying to ignore the small shivers running through his body at Hoseok's touch.

He would definitely have to get used to the affectionate motions if this was to continue.

"Tonight, probably. If Seonghwa lets you." Minhyuk stated, sighing. Hyungwon nodded his head, picking up an apple slice with the fork. He ate the fruit piece before opening his mouth again. "I'm sorry for causing worry... Again," he mumbled out, lowering his gaze to the food on his plate.

"It's fine. You should've seen that guy." Minhyuk huffed, nodding at Hoseok with his chin. Hyungwon glanced at the older who was now avoiding eye contact. That was usually Hyungwon's thing.

"He was on the brim of a full-on mental breakdown when Seonghwa was doing his doctor shit." The silver-head stated, hissing slightly when Hoseok obviously kicked him in the shin. "Shut up." The leader muttered, earning only a shrug from the other man.

Hyungwon laughed softly. "I'm still sorry. I should've thought more clearly..." He stated, stuffing his mouth with another fruit slice. "But getting shot in the chest is better than the head... So.." "That does not help your case much, but it's whatever. You're still kicking and right now all that matters is that you get better." Minhyuk stated and stood up, scratching his head a little.

"I'll go talk with Yunho or something. I'm probably in the way of something here." Minhyuk chuckled, eyeing the two men. Hyungwon looked down again, biting down on his lip. Minhyuk laughed again. "I'll ask Seonghwa whether we can leave tonight," he stated before heading out of the room.

The two others sat in silence as Hyungwon enjoyed his food. In a very short amount of time he had found out, Hoseok was really touchy. He had been like that even before the kiss, but now even more so. Maybe it was because he didn't have to worry about him being uncomfortable with it.

Hyungwon didn't mind. He hadn't from the start. It was cute, honestly.

"It feels good... To be like this for once." Hoseok broke the silence between them. "Like not worrying about the shit that's coming next." Hyungwon nodded his head a little. He finished his food and put the plate on the chair next to his bed. "It really does," Hyungwon stated, sighing softly before lying back down.

Hyungwon turned his eyes to the other man, who was looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing... I'm just trying to comprehend everything." Hoseok responded, chuckling softly.

"I know right..? I thought it was a dream.. Wouldn't have been surprised but the disappointment would have been immense." Hyungwon stated, closing his mouth instantly as he realized he had basically admitted to dreaming of something like this. It wasn't completely that, but in a way, yes.

Hoseok laughed lightly, laying down next to the other. "I honestly considered just ignoring everything... Mainly because you were still hurting and I didn't want to barge into your life like that." He explained, brushing some hair strands out of the younger's eyes.

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