Dance With Me - Iwaizumi

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The slight frown on Hajime's face slowly eased into relaxation. With a slight smile now showing, he moved toward the music room.

Hajime POV

As I approached the closed door, a sound of melodious playing drifted through it, enticing my senses and, along with it, a surge of excitement.

I let out a nervous breath, hands slightly shaking at the knob I was holding, for beyond the door was the girl my heart had covertly yearned for.

I slowly slid the door open, peeking through the crevices. The action did not go unnoticed as Celeste slowly turned her head to look at my direction, surprise apparent in her alluring blue eyes.

Though she didn't stop playing the piano, she gave me a subtle smile as acknowledgment.

Not wanting to disturb her peaceful playing further, I quietly closed the door behind me and leaned my back towards it. With hands in my trouser pocket, I nodded for her to keep playing.

A content smile etched on her angelic face then returned her gaze to the piano in front of her.

Aside from her remarkable talent in ballet, she had an exceptional gift at playing the piano, proving her aptitude for classical arts.

"Would you like to sit beside me?" Celeste asked, her attention still fixed on the piano.

Her innocent invitation sent a flurry of butterflies in my stomach, and for a moment, I stood frozen in place.

Mustering up what little courage I had, I nodded meekly.

"Sure." I internally winced at the obvious tremor in my voice.

Each step towards her felt like a journey through uncharted territory, making my brittle heart pound in anxiety.

It echoed in my ears and added to the rich and vibrant melody of the song she was playing.

As I settled into the seat beside her, her sweet scent enveloped me, and I had to refrain myself from resting my head on her shoulders.

Her lithe tickling of the ivories made me want to caress her fingers, and my hands fidgeted nervously but glad it found refuge in the safety of my pockets.

The supple movement of her fingers glided across the black and white keys, creating an enchanting tune. Each striking note enveloping me in a warm embrace.

Not long after, the song came to an end, and she tilted her head to the side to look at me.

"Is there a song you'd like me to play?" Her soft lips stretched into a smile, and it held me in a spellbind. "Ha-chi?"

"A dance." I absentmindedly replied.

Her innocent face changed into an inquiring one, "A dance?"

I may have been quiet for far too long as I heard a snap of fingers in front of me. I gulped and compelled my hypnotized self to look her in the eyes.

"You'd like us to dance?" She asked again patiently.

The words struggled to come out of my throat and I could only nod.

"But how are we going to dance without music?"

I shrugged, and forced myself to stand. With trembling and cold hands, I held her left hand to rest on my right shoulder while I grasped the other up in the air.

The closeness sent a rush of adrenaline in my veins, stupefying me in place.

With the silence stretching on, I worried she really would hear the frantic beating of my heart, but she took control and moved her left hand behind my shoulder as if readying me to dance.

Courting Victory | Oikawa | Iwaizumi | OC | Split-Routes | HaikyuuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora