Under the Pouring Rain - Oikawa

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Warmth slowly blossomed in me, like a bud unfurling into flower petals, a scent of calm and peace. Along with it a soft breeze blowing away all my worries, one by one into the wind, like dandelions floating so beautifully.

They were an all-encompassing feeling permeating my very core.

How can someone evoke such profound emotions in you that being in their presence sucks in all the pain and engulfs you with euphoria?

The raging storm in me has calmed and a wave of relief washed over me. This sudden shift in emotion has gotten me disoriented that tears welled up in my eyes, falling one after the other.

I let them fall, not bothering to mask out the torment any longer. She only looked at me with compassion and waited patiently until I could sort out these irrepressible feelings.

I wanted to say something, wanted to speak out words I never wanted to let out.

I wanted to be heard. Heard by the alluring woman whose belief in me never wavered.

"I'm not good enough, Ce-chi."

"No matter the effort I exert, it doesn't seem to be good enough. It was always at the tip of my fingertips and when I proceed to grasp it, it always disappears."

I closed my eyes and breath in, fatigue sinking in to every part of my aching body but nothing could compare to the heaviness weighing down on my chest once more.

"I just wanted to bring my team to Nationals, but now it's out of reach." I clenched my jaw in an attempt to stop a whimper from escaping my lips.

"We should be the one playing in the Spring tournament right now, not Karasuno. Watching them earlier just gives me a bitter taste in the mouth."

I felt my throat tighten, rendering me unable to speak any more. The intensity of uncertainty more pronounced than ever.

I hated it.

"You were beautiful out there." She breathed out. "I may not have seen your final game in person but I saw the recording. Even during practice, your form were flawless."

"But it wasnt good enough."

"No, it's not because you weren't good enough. Your best right now isn't your limit. You have ways to go Too-chi, but you don't have to run endlessly. It's okay to rest."

I chuckled at the naivety. How will I get to my destination if I stop? The road doesn't shorten itself. To get to the end I have to keep going, even if I have to crawl my way forward.

"Thank you, Ce-chi. I can figure things out from here." I propelled myself up only to be hit by sudden nausea, the ground inches away from my face but Celeste caught my arm deftly albeit briefly as we both still dropped to the ground.

"Sure you can. Fainting is your first step?" Man, she has nerves of steel.

I playfully flicked her nose and just as I was going to retort back, I realized how close we were. Too close of proximity.

My arms on either side of her head, palm first on the floor, towering over her figure. My gaze fell down to her soft naturally pink tinted lips, heart racing, and mind blank.

The tension was unpalpable. I wonder if they are as soft as they look and as sweet as her strawberry scent. Those lips were beckoning me to come closer and I absently inched my face closer.

Shittykawa, how sinful your thoughts are.

The nickname Iwa-chan always poked fun at me with pulled me harshly back into reality. Until now, I could not figure out if he liked Celeste the way I did. I thought I could see through him but when it comes to our best friend he becomes too indecipherable.

Would I be betraying our friendship if I gave in to this temptation?

Before I succumb to such impulse I cleared my throat and got up. "It's already late, we should head home."

"You shouldve thought of that earlier, its past 9pm already. I'm surprised the school even lets you stay out this late."

I stretched out my hand for her to take as she hoisted herself up. "I'm charming like that." I winked in an attempt to mask out the giddiness. "Give me 5 minutes to change." Then immediately turned my back to avoid showing her my dusted red cheeks.

Once it was certain that the gym was all locked up, we stepped onto the covered hallway and stared at the dark sky.

"I'm guessing you dont have an umbrella either?" I shook my head sheepishly at her hopeful tone.

"Looks like the rain wont let up soon either," I sighed. "Should we run?" but before I could fully face her I was pushed towards the pouring rain. "You did not.."

There she was laughing for her life, amused by her petty prank. I could not help but smile at her happy face.

So if that's how she wants, then that's how it goes. I pretended to be angry and turned away from her.

"Wait, Too-chi, I didn't mean it."

I kept walking away.

"Stop, it's pouring badly now." I heard her groan, then came a short silence. Not long after, her footsteps echoed in the mud. I smiled triumphantly and started to run further away, her movements following suit.

Once I was sure we were from away from any shelter, I turned back abruptly to grab her in my arms and spun her in circles.

"Ahhh noo, let me go!"


"Too-chi, let me go!!"

"You pushed me first!"

"Stop spinning me!" She demanded laughing.


She kicked relentlessly and because we were drenched she was able to slip away easily.

Our laughter echoed across the empty school and made the sky seemed brighter. We leaped and chased and jumped on puddles like kids. Each raindrop cascaded down like liquid joy and washed away my distress.

We continued to dance to the nature's tempo, not caring of the failed attempts of my two left feet whilst she twirled gracefully, the glorious dancer that she was.

Her giggles sent warm tickles in my heart and her bright blue homey eyes kept me at ease.

The whole of her I have always loved.

Before I could even fathom what I was doing, I pulled her in by the waist and connected my craving lips to hers.

It felt divine.

The earthy fragrance mingling with her sweet strawberry scent created an intoxicating aroma I could no longer resist. I had to deepen the kiss and to my surprise she responded with the same hunger and intensity.

Our heartbeat mimicked the rhythm of the rain and we blended seamlessly as if we were one with it.

It felt right. Like all the puzzles were in place.

Warmth spread like inferno in me, and what was once an ember, blazed away like a raging fire.

Courting Victory | Oikawa | Iwaizumi | OC | Split-Routes | HaikyuuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora