Until That Time Comes - Oikawa

Start from the beginning

The male sensed her stare so he looked up with a soft smile. "Sit with me." He offered his right hand for her to take.

Celeste accepted and sat down beside him but before she could pull away her hand, Tooru intertwined their fingers and rested it on his knees. The two kept quiet, and only the sound of heavy rain can be heard. 

It was not an awkward silence at all, in fact they secretly enjoyed the warmth brought forth by their bodies touching.

The male leaned his head on her left shoulder, his slightly wet hair tickling her neck and cheeks. In return of such homely gesture, the raven-haired maiden tipped her head on top of his.

"Ne Ce-chi. Remember when you asked what I wanted for my graduation gift?"


"Well, I thought of it, but before I say what it is. Will you promise to fulfill it?"

"When you phrase it like that, it sounds like a scheme."

"But it's what I want and nothing else." He half lied. Truth be told, he wanted so much more, but anything more than that would be selfish and greedy of him.

"Fine. I promise. Shoot your shot."

"Hmm. I want to stay over for the next few nights. You can't kick me out anyway because there's a raging storm."

"Is that why you're here? And what kind of graduation gift is that?"

"But I'm not done yet."

"I said a gift, not gifts. Silly." Celeste giggled, earning her an affectionate peck on her hand from him.

"It's an all-in-one gift." Tooru lifted his head and looked at her alluring blue orbs. The girl only raised a brow.

A look of determination crossed his eyes. "Can you pretend to be my girlfriend until I leave Japan?"

Celeste gaped at her best friend, flabbergasted at his request. Her face now the same shade as a tomato. She wanted to say something but only managed a few blinks. 

Tooru's heartbeat sped up, his composure close to decline. His chocolate eyes expressed overwhelming emotions and longingness being one of them. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he couldn't. He knew he shouldn't. "Tooru, control." He thought.

He licked his lips as his eyes darted down to her soft lips. Tooru's heartbeat quickened, the pitter-patter of rain outside much like how it was that fateful day brought forth a fond recollection. The kiss from that rainy day a month ago still fresh in his memory. 

Even after sharing a passionate kiss, the two best friends not once brought it up ever again and returned to how they were as if it never happened.

It's not as though the two regretted it. Hell, both cherished it with their hearts, but were reluctant to move forward due to uncertainty and fear of losing their companionship.

Celeste furrowed her brows ever so slightly. "Pretend?" she thought. Somehow it did not sit well with her, but a part of her understood the reluctance.

Tooru will be leaving for Argentina and she wasn't sure how well that will play out if they were to date for real. She knows in her heart, her feelings are true and she's not one to entertain thoughts of "what if's". However, Tooru was the opposite. He was the type to think way ahead and consider all possible scenarios, deviating from ones that are likely to not work out for him.

A distinct difference in Celeste's, "live in the moment" personality. Though she is quite decisive and prudent, she prefers spontaneity and trusts she'd adapt well no matter the circumstance, but what was in front of her was too precious to lose. She was unsure if she should give in.

Her father's infidelity crossed her mind and a sharp pang rose in her heart. A small voice telling her that Tooru was different but her trauma is echoing uncertainty.

Their thoughts danced to their own tempo and cant seem to be in the same rhythm. 

The brown-eyed lad lifted his right hand and caressed the girl's cheek. "Should we just forget about it all?" His voice barely a whisper. Their eyes conveyed yearning but their minds played an unseen tug of war.

Just then a loud ding! was heard from the oven, interrupting their reverie.


*Tooru's POV*

I studied her every movement as she held out the baked milk bread out of the oven with green mittens. Her eyebrows crunched in concentration and cheeks dusted red.

I, on the other hand, may seem unperturbed by my request but my mind's still in chaos. I want her to agree. I need to let these concealed emotions show lest I regret not doing so. It may just be under the pretense of a grad gift but my feelings are undeniably real.

Right now, I have to convince her to accede. I pushed away all the uncertainty and doubt deep within the crevices of my mind. With the sweetest voice I could muster, I put my hands inside my pockets and planted my chin from behind her shoulder and asked, "So, what do you think?"

She got startled by the sudden contact and absently turned to me the same time I tilted my head to face her. Our lips met albeit briefly but it was more than enough to keep us in daze. The softness brought me back again to that rainy day. It felt heavenly. All those hidden emotions flooded and expressed with every kiss.

Oh how much I crave those lips. Is she not aware of how she makes me feel?

"I have not agreed yet and you shamelessly kiss me?"

"I did not, you..." I stopped mid-sentence and realized what she meant. "Yet? So you had plans to agree?" I asked with pretend bafflement but joy spread within me.

"No. You're so strange to even ask that. Does Ha-chi know?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Iwa-chan does not have anything to do with this. Or would you rather you dated him?" I could feel jealousy rise inside of me and I hated it. 

Ha-chi this, Ha-chi that. Does she like him?

"What? No." She turned to face me. " He's our best friend."

"So I'm just the same?" It was already getting difficult to control my emotions. I was hurt. Can't she try to see me as a man and not just her best friend?

"Too-chi, I don't understand you at all."

My hands balled in fist inside my jogger pockets. It was a way for me to stay in command of my emotions. Instead of an answer I only bit my lip and observed her quietly. 

I was aching to ask her how she felt about Iwa-chan. There was no doubt he felt something for her. Whether that was romance or brotherly love, I didn't know. 

But what about her? Would she choose him over me? The thought of it made my heart sting. If she did, it would be something I could not bear to take. I have always tried my best to put her happiness above mine but if it meant losing her to another man, my best friend at that, would be disheartening and excruciating. Would I be willing to truly give her up then?

I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. She did kiss me back on that rainy day. That should mean something right? Perhaps I should be selfish for a bit after all. Iwa-chan isn't here. 

Right now, it is just us. I opened my eyes again, and ensured an unwavering resolve was exhibited through them. "You promised you would fulfill my request."

"You are forcing me, you sly manx." She sighed in defeat then cut off a piece of milk bread and handed it to me. "If it helps float your boat, but I don't know a bit of being a couple."

Happiness blossomed in my heart and a rare genuine smile made it's way to my lips. "Leave it to me. Just be the adorable princess that you are." I winked and took a bite at the bread still on her outstretched hand.

"You really are a flirt."

"And this flirt is now your boyfriend for a few weeks." Somehow, my arms found its way to her waist as if it was the most natural thing to do. I kissed the top of her head, her average height a perfect match to my tall figure. She then enveloped me into a warm hug and a small satisfied sigh escaped my lips. 

Nice one Tooru, way to show how affection-starved you are.


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