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"Well- I don't really want to say I drugged you, I just uh..."

"You just slipped a substance into my drink to alter my hormones and my mind. Sounds like you drugged me."

"No- It's not like that..."

I wasn't going to tell him I originally did this solely to get my hands on his Netherite. It's too late to admit that now, I've already fallen for him. I guess it's time I accept that I'm not straight.

"Then what is it like, George?" Dream asked, sitting back down and glaring at me.

"It's just... I don't know, Dream. I know you didn't love me back before, and I could fix that." I lied.

It's just a little white lie, he doesn't have to know. There's no reason for him to know. It won't hurt anything, and maybe now he'll give me a chance.

I feel really fucking stupid, though. To think that he wouldn't notice anything was off.

"George, I am simultaneously fighting off the urge to kill you and fuck you right now, and this is your fault." Dream sighed, banging the side of his fist down onto the table.

"I'm sorry."

Dream looked up at me with angry eyes.

"George I can't fucking believe you sometimes." He said, "I'm going home. If you pull this shit ever again you won't see me anymore."

He stood up and walked right out the door. He turned around before he shut the door behind himself, giving me a lingering glance before looking down and closing the door.

I really hurt him this time, didn't I?

Brewing Stand | DNF, DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now