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Of course I felt guilty.

But not guilty enough to stop now. The netherite is too alluring. I need it.

I'll go on as many dates as I need to until he either gives me it or I get a good chance to steal it. I'll do anything. Hell, I'd even let him tap if he wants to.

It would be worth it.

I mean he's hot anyway. Win-win for me.

I haven't told anybody about my plan, not even the guy who made me the elixir knows why I needed it.

Speaking of him, I wonder how his whole country thing is coming along. He seems a little off his rocker, but good on him I guess. Hopefully he doesn't do anything too rash, like, you know, blow up a country or beg his father to kill him.


As I was eating my lunch (steak and carrots), I heard a knock at my door. I finished the carrot I had in my mouth before opening the door and seeing Dream there, his mask hiding his face.

"Hey George! You ready to hunt?" He enthusiastically asked. I noticed he was in his Netherite armor, and his sword strapped to his back was made of pure diamond.

I smiled, "Sure, I just need to get my sword and bow. Wait here for a second."

Dream backed away from the door to lean on a nearby tree. I shut the door gently and jogged over to my armory.

I slipped into an iron chest-plate and grabbed my bow. I slung my baldric, attached to a quiver and scabbard, over my shoulder. I put my arrows into the quiver, and slipped the blade of my iron sword into the scabbard. I grabbed my bow and held it in one hand for now.

By the time I got outside, Dream was standing there singing to himself. I couldn't distinguish what exactly he was singing, but I thought it was kind of cute that he just starts singing when nobody's around.

"Hey George." He said once he saw me, "Ready now?"

"Yeah, where are we going?" I asked.

Dream pointed behind him with his thumb, "Into the forest there, idiot. Where else would we go?"

"Alright let's go then." I ignored that fact that he's being a dick because I know he does it endearingly.


Dream and I ran into the forest. I admired the way he swung his sword. He held the hilt with one hand and swung so gracefully yet almost carelessly as if it were nothing.

He swung around his sword as if it were a parade baton.

I, on the other hand, held my sword with two hands and I had to focus pretty hard to make sure I didn't accidentally strike something around me that isn't an animal.

Dream had collected four chickens and two cows already, I only got a single cow so far. I tried to use my sword but I gave up quickly and used my bow and arrows instead. I missed a chicken twice and hurt the side of my arm. Fuck.

"Come on George, do you need me to teach you how to shoot a bow?"

I sighed, "I don't know. I guess."

Dream smiled and put down his sword.

He stood behind me and lightly guided my arms to be in an archer position. I could feel his breath and it was driving me insane. I hated knowing that his lips were that close to my neck.

He placed his hand over mine at the grip of the bow.

"Now, you pull this back but don't tilt it like this, keep it straight like this, okay?" He instructed. "And stop holding the arrow by the shaft. You hold it here."

He moved my hands around accordingly and I tried to remember everything he was saying.

"Now aim, and shoot."

He helped me shoot down a chicken.

"Got it?"

I blushed, hating myself already for what I'm about to say.

"I'm not sure. Could you help me again?"

Brewing Stand | DNF, DreamNotFoundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin