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What did he mean,  I have to "find another way to repay" him?

I laid on my mattress that night and wondered what the fuck that meant.

It sounds like he wants me to give him a lil suck and fuck if I'm honest, but I don't know. I guess that would make sense, considering the fact that I gave him a love potion.

At least I know I won't be rejected.

I wish I could find the guy who made it. I need to know how long it's meant to last. I don't remember how to get to his van, and I don't remember what his country is called. I can't get to him now.


I decided I'm going to spend my day chopping trees for wood and collecting apples until dinner. Dream left a note on my table saying he'd come over for dinner tomorrow. He left it there yesterday, meaning that today is tomorrow. So what I'm trying to say is I'm expecting Dream to come over for dinner, so I want to be there to open the door for him.

Chopping down trees is so annoying. My axe broke. It was made of stone so I guess that makes sense, but I don't appreciate it. I would much rather, you know, not have that happen. But what can you do.

I collected two different types of wood; oak and birch. I find birch wood to be quite ugly, but that's what's closest so it'll do. It's better than that orange shit.

I picked a few mushrooms as well, and injected them with this potion I got from a friend. His name is Sapnap. He got it from a friend of his but he had no use for it, and since I let Dream shove a nail into my earlobe, I have an actual reason to own it. What the potion does is it preserves any plant or fungi so it doesn't start to decay or smell. It just gets stiff.

I used some wire to make little mushrooms into earrings. I put them in and looked at my reflection through some metal.

It looked pretty cool, and I think it might impress Dream. I noticed the love potion bottle was still sitting on my counter, so I threw it away. It shattered as I tossed it into the bin.

I should feel lucky that Dream didn't notice it while he was around.


Dream had come over to my place a little bit late. He had cooked some of the meat we'd hunted and brought it with him to share with me. He told me he was using the animal skins to create armor and a better grip on his bow.

I turned on the radio. A song by some band called Lovejoy started playing. It was an absolute bop, not gonna lie. I would listen to it again.

But Dream wasn't really paying attention to the music, I don't think. He seemed more interested in having an actual conversation.



"Has there been anything weighing you down? Anything on your conscience?"


"George, I know what you did. Don't even pretend to be innocent."

"Wait- wha- what are you talking about?" I tried to play innocent more convincingly.

"I saw that fancy little bottle on your counter yesterday, George. And I saw the enchantment language ingrained into the glass."

I started to sweat. I tried to keep my composure, but obviously I was panicking.

"But lucky for you, I didn't get a good read on it. But I know you poisoned me. I know the drink you gave me was a different color than yours, but I stupidly passed it off as the lighting. So now," Dream stood up and pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and flicked up the knife. He twirled it between his fingers until the handle rested between his middle finger and thumb, his index finger resting on the dull side of the blade. "Now, you're going to tell me exactly what the fuck you put in my drink. And if I ever learn that you're lying to me, I'll kill you and let your corpse rot in my yard."

He pressed the knife up to my neck, barely touching it. His face was close to mine, a dark, angry look in his eyes. His hand was firmly gripping the table next to me so I was cornered in my chair.

It was kind of hot.

Fuck, now's not the time for that, I could literally die.

"It- It was a- um," I held my breath in for a second, trying to force myself to spit it out, "I um, it was a love potion. I-I got it from some guy in a van pretty far away from here."

Dream looked at me with extreme confusion. He hesitantly pulled his pocket knife away from my throat and closed it.

"You tried to drug me with a love potion?"

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