She stalked towards me and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Why are you here... and where the hell are your brothers? They should be training right now," she demanded putting her hands on her hips.

"It's Sunday... and Christmas morning... are you making all these people train?" I asked her as if she was crazy; well she was crazy but not the good kind of crazy.

"Yes, they have nothing better to do."

"They have families! It's Christmas morning for the love of god! And you're one to talk, hosting the training session but not training yourself," I seethed.

She was about to reply, but was cut off by a booming voice.


Ah, that voice I knew so well, our Alpha Gregory came stalking over to his daughter. "Alice, these men have families to get back to," he said angrily as his eyes became black.

"I'm sorry, daddy, Scarlett told me it would be a good idea. She said that we should be prepared for anything," Alice said, causing my jaw to drop, but the Alpha's eyes softened as he apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I just got a little angry... MEN YOU ALL ARE DISMISSED!" he yelled to them, a chorus of 'Yes, Alpha' was announced as they all walked back to their mates and families.

"Scarlett, a word," Alpha Gregory said with a forced smile. I nodded and waited for him to begin. "You're the Beta, not Alpha of this pack, and I believe that you bossing around my daughter is inexcusable and ridiculous." I looked him in the eyes, refusing to back down.

"Alpha Gregory, I promise you that this wasn't my call. I have, on many occasions explained to your daughter the importance of training men and women, so that everyone is prepared. This was purely her mistake, she was the one who caused this conflict not me."

And with that, I left to go back home. Alpha Gregory always thought that I started all of the conflicts between Alice and I, but I never did. Compared to her, I was an angel sent from heaven.

While walking back to the small cute house on the pack grounds that I grew up in, I started to get this uneasy feeling in my stomach. I didn't feel comfortable; I mean I usually felt comfortable around our pack grounds. I quickly decided to mind link Carter. A special that us werewolves have is being able to speak to one another through our thoughts.

Hey, Carter, do you smell that?

Yeah, what is that?

And that's when it hit me.

We're being attacked!

I frantically mindlinked Carter while being ambushed by millions of unfamiliar scents that seemed to come out of nowhere, surrounding me. I sprinted to my house and slammed the door shut. Finding the red button next to the door and clicking it, as the emergency siren went off. You could barely hear it over the howls and thumping of paws on the ground. People were screaming, those who were sleeping, only moments ago were either A still sleeping, B killed, or C running for their lives. I didn't even have to wonder who it was, there was only one Alpha who would ever kill for no reason.

Alpha Thaddeus.

Even his name sent shivers down my spine that couldn't be stopped. He was the man that your brothers talked about to scare you while you're out camping without your parents, or when you're trying to get a good night's sleep.

He was the only Alpha that everyone knew and feared.

But I wasn't afraid of him. Was I curious about him? Yes.

ThaddeusWhere stories live. Discover now