"how did you-"

"i know aaron.i've known for a while now,she didn't tell me.don't worry."
he told him.

he asked.
"why shouldn't i worry?"

he shrugged.
"aaliyahs a strong girl-no scratch that,woman.if she does end up being pregnant,i'm sure she'll figure out a way to handle it,maybe even all on her own."

"but i'm the kids father? what am i supposed to do?"
aaron asked.

he shrugged.
"i don't know,don't ask me,i still haven't forgiven you yet."

junior closed his locker as he left the locker room.

aaron honestly did not know what to do,at all.

he was going out in less than five minutes.

with everything on the line,aaron did what he thought was fit.

he got down on his knees,leaning over the bench with his hands folded and his eyes closed,head bowed.

aaron wasn't super religious,at all.

he didn't grow up in a church or have a fixed religion.

but he did believe in god and honestly,he felt like that was good enough in this situation.

i mean they do say 'talk to god and he shall answer'

he sighed.
"hey god,i'm gonna be honest,i really don't know what i'm doing.i've never done this alone before,only when aaliyah used to-thats besides the point.i'm asking for help,i'm in a tough situation right now and i don't know what to do or who to go to.i know i've made some mistakes,but i'm hoping they can be fixed.i'll own up to everything,i'll tell the truth,i'll do it all.and i don't know what type of signal you need to send but somehow,someway,i need you to let aaliyah know,even in the slightest,that i still love her.i never stopped.she's perfect,she was everything i ever wanted,and then i went and fu-i mean messed it up! i just want everything to be back to the way it was.when i had aaliyah and my friends and i was content with how my life was going.i'm not against kids,if she ends up pregnant,i'll support her,no questions asked,but i do think that a little one can wait a little longer,preferably a few more years,at least until i'm out of college.and whether or not those kids will be with aaliyah,well-you know what they say.it's gods plan.help me out here,please.amen."

aaron stood up,fixing his jersey in the mirror before letting out a big breath.

"you got this you got this,it's all good.you got-"


aaron's head popped over to his locker as he debated on answering the text.

he knew it was aaliyah.

if he answered,there were two ways this could go.

one,she would be pregnant and he would play a terrible game considering he'd be spooked.

or,two,she'd be completely fine and he'd play one of the best games in his career,relieved.

fuck it.

he rushed over to his phone,unlocking it before going to aaliyah's contact.

Poisonous Love. [EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora