Chapter Twenty-Two: What's So Important About a Sword?

Start from the beginning

"I'll tell it," Noctifer cut in before Ordephus could begin, earning him a peeved glare. He pointed to the orange beams of sunlight shining through a small window. "The sun is setting."

He sighed in resignation and waved his hand to continue. "Fine. Go ahead."

"We have already begun putting the plan into action," Noctifer explained. "We plan to gather those who will be coming here to Langerich at the tower first. Once we seize Langerich, word will spread, and we'll have a battle at our doorstep by the end of the week. So we'll need sufficient time to plan and move those who can't fight to the Vecjivi."

"They are unlikely to turn away the innocent," Iver commented.

"Iver and I have already cleared an initial space while Ordephus and Argent expanded the borders," he continued. "It's up to the rest who join to set up however they wish."

"When did you have time to do all that?" Namari asked. "And how will everyone get there?"

"While Argent was healing," Ordephus replied. "As for how we'll get there . . ."

Ordephus reached into his bag, rustling around a bit before pulling out a small sack. Inside the sack was dark red mana beads, a few of which he set on the table. Moric wrinkled his nose at it, feeling uneasy being around it, and Namari and Tarkana had similar reactions. Amonis, on the other hand, sent Ordephus a sharp look.

"I see you haven't stopped fiddling around with your life," he stated, and Tarkana's eyes widened at the realization.

"Father, you said you wouldn't—"

Ordephus held up his hands in surrender. "Calm down, calm down. It's less than you think. Only a little over a second. Now, let me explain." He paused, letting everyone settle down. "My symbol can act as a teleporter to my tower, correct? But it only works for me and anyone else with my likeness. For example, Tarkana can use it because she's my daughter, but Amonis cannot because the bloodline is too thin. So there are two solutions: Connect other lifeforces to the symbol, or create something that already holds a charged symbol."

Everyone took a closer look at the bead, seeing the Symbol of Ordephus carved on the outside of it as the red essence swirled around.

"As you can see, I chose the easier method."

"How . . . Why do you know how to use your lifeforce?" Moric asked shakily. He wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answer, but the curiosity was eating away at him. It was Iver, however, who answered in Ordephus' stead.

"It was what he used before being able to absorb mana," he deadpanned.

"He wasn't born with fae blood, you see," Amonis explained, trying to ease Moric and Namari's confusion. It didn't quite work.

"A madman from the start," Noctifer added with a nod.

"And it appears he still uses it despite all of us urging him not to," Tarkana sighed.

"Alright," Ordephus said exasperatedly, ignoring Argent's quiet snickering. "I get it. I'm a fool. But desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Does it hurt?" Namari asked quietly. "When you use your lifeforce."

A pause. "It feels as if my heart is being ripped out of my chest," he admitted.

There was a moment of silence after that. Some vowed to never try the method while others restrained themselves from strangling the legend. Ordephus shifted to the right a bit as Iver's previous threat echoed in his head.

"So what do we plan on doing for recruitment?" Moric asked before the atmosphere could get any tenser.

"Ah, yes, that." Ordephus took that moment to deposit the bead back into the sack and stuff it into his bag. Out of sight, out of mind. "I was thinking we should split off into groups to gather all races more efficiently. Perhaps after snowfall—or sooner, if you'd like—and after smoothing out the logistics of it all. Argent and I will head to Nortempress to talk with the dragonkind and dragons—I have a lengthy apology to give—Iver and Tarkana heading to Ichorwood to convince the Elven Council, and the rest of you and a small force to the dwarves and their chiefs. Téchivar is harbinger-infested territory, so please make sure you're well prepared to encounter a few. In fact, I have a few things to give to you before you go—"

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