What Happened to Me (Chapter 1)

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It had been two weeks. Two weeks, since his dreams and the only thing that kept him going, had been crushed.

Naruto sat there thinking about that, but another word kept ringing through his head. Betrayal. The Hokage someone who had seen in a motherly way didn't force the council to back down in getting rid of him by banishment. Someone who he had cared for deeply Sakura had told him she wished it was him who left and not Sasuke. Kakashi, his former jonin sensei who had always praised teamwork yet wouldn't give him the time of day and even taught Sasuke his prized technique Chidori which had been used to put a hole through Naruto's chest. Last but not least Sasuke, he had told Naruto he saw him as his best friend, then shortly after put him on the edge of death.

That made Naruto wonder, why did he even try? Why did he want acknowledgment from civilians in the leaf when they treated him like crap? Why did he want to be Hokage to protect the very same village who'd prefer if he rolled over dead?

All the hate he was feeling now, Naruto assumed it was banishment that caused it, but now he realized the banishment simply opened the corkscrew of all the hatred he suppressed that he felt while being mistreated.

Jiraiya looked over at his apprentice. He couldn't blame the boy's hatred, originally the toad sage was going to tell him to leave it, but then he realized the pain Naruto was feeling wasn't simply the banishment but all the years he'd given his all for a village who'd thrown him out like a broken toy.

Jiraiya had vowed never to step foot in the village again after he heard what happened and was going to be training Naruto for at least the next two years, it was the least he could do.

Jiraiya looked at the stars "Minato, would you have still sealed the fox in your own son, had you known this would have happened?"

Naruto looked at the stars and then back to the necklace of Hashirama that was given to him by Tsunade. He had originally planned on giving it back to her but chose to keep it as he vowed to become the strongest shinobi to ever exist and to do that he'd have to surpass the God of Shinobi Hashirama. The whiskered blonde was no fool, he'd have to push himself to his limits to surpass him, but one thing that hadn't changed since his banishment was that he never quit and would never give up and would follow through with that promise.

Naruto spoke, "I vow on my ninja way to surpass all shinobi that have come before, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I vow to give it all I got on my ninja way."

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