Being in lockdown is no fun. Especially when you haven't even done anything. Like being grounded for being a senior. That is Diane's life now. She is still debating whether or not she should go to college out of state. But I am still pushing her to follow her dreams and what she wants to do than worry about me, or us. Because I am worrying enough for the both of us. I will not tell her that though. Then she will try to do something crazy, and I do not want her to give up her dream college or where she wants to go. I am sure we can work out a long-distance relationship. Right? I have heard they are hard, but we can do it, right? Well at least I have got about four months and 20 days to worry about it before summer begins and reality sets in.

Today is the starting of fourth week of school in the new semester. I am keeping track of time now. Yeah, a bad and kinda sad thing I started. I know why but I will not utter it. But what makes today special is that we have someone coming over. I forgot if this person is just here to give a speech or will this person be in our school later on or not. Honestly, I zoned out when the announcement happened like a week ago. But the buzzing around school about this mysterious person coming to our school was enough for me to remember today that supposed event will take place.

I am currently in library doing my homework because our third hour got cancelled and since Lee is not talking to me without a buffer. I am here alone while doing my homework. Or ranting in my mind. While I am still ranting in my head, I should talk about the super awesome Christmas I had with Liz, Tori, Alex and James. Because this one was the best Christmas I have ever had. I mean I never got to experience much of Christmas growing up. So, anything at this point is good. But this one was off the charts. Firstly, Liz and Tori both dressed as Santa and had a little party for the kids at the homeless shelter and the hospital. But that happened later on. The night before after everyone left, Tori gave me a sock with my name on it. To hang it along with theirs. That made me tear up. Tori tickled me for it. And Alex joined her while Liz filmed us goofing around.

Next morning on Christmas day I woke up to hushed voices coming from the living room. Upon inspection I found two cute little elves, trying to look for their presents. They were trying to be quiet. But they were being anything but. Seeing the joys on their little faces opening their gifts was worth waking up at 6. Soon, Liz and Tori joined. And we all opened gifts. I got them simple things. Like I got Tori and Liz a matching set of bracelets and a cute couples sweater set I saw. They were not that costly so I could afford. Alex, I gave her a soft toy and some chocolates. James received chocolates as well a DVD set of one of his favorite show. Now they got me a card, a hand made one. What's up with people giving me hand made things? I don't deserve such generous things since I am pretty generic gift giver. And they go and put so much time and effort to make something for me. I appreciate it but come on.

Well Tori didn't give me anything hand made. But her gift is...over the top. Yeah, that's one word for it. Because she got me a goddamn car. Yep. A freaking car. Only problem, I won't drive it. It's not like I can't . I mean yeah that too, but also, I won't. It's just something I cannot do it, not after what happened two and a half years ago now almost. So, that was a little shock to me. Not for them as they still have no idea. I just keep on deflecting the topic of me getting driving lessons from either of them. Liz got me a nice watch, some shoes and shades. When I asked her why those certain things, she then pulled out a really awesome ripped jeans and a cool shirt with a black leather jacket. So, basically, she got me a really nice outfit along with canvas and sneakers as those are the shoes I wear. I wore the whole outfit on New Year's Eve. At the party they had. Needless to say, everyone loved it including me.

Finally, the bell rings informing me that I have to rush to the other side of the building for my fourth hour. How fun! I have shop now. This semester I am taking shop and painting and switched out PE. Because well I cannot do it. I also have more regular appointments with my Physical Therapist now. Tori somehow found out I was well going once in two weeks or less, when I am supposed to meet him once a week. So, now I have appointments either Wednesday after school or Friday. Go me! According to him and my doctor I am doing good, really good. But I need to keep it up in order to remain this good. Otherwise, I would be back with crutches. Suffice it to say, I do not want to go back to crutches.

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