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"Why is she in charge?" Someone mutters from the back of the crowd. I raise an eyebrow- but don't flinch, in body or in gaze, and look over the crowd. I have, under my direction, 16 semi-cooperative teenagers and young adults. Of those 16, 11 have powers, and 14 have been personally victimized by Hydra.

And only eight are up to standard in hand-to-hand combat.

"Team leads," I say in a normal voice, trying to prove that I'm in control enough that I don't feel it necessary to speak up. Four people step forward, my four most trusted at this point.

Ray- ticked at Hydra from her childhood, but more recently at New S.H.I.E.L.D., for Mia. She's angry, and she's strong, and she wouldn't abandon me.

Lincoln. Young. He feels indebted to me, because I made him a team lead days after he joined, at only 15. He thinks that what Hydra does is inhumane and horrible- which is correct- even though they haven't met him. He's a true, no intervention mutant. Innocent, in a way, but still willing to fight. Fight with me, more importantly.

Next, a lot of a gamble on my part: Rowan. No powers. However, before she defected, she worked for Hydra as their combat instructor, and as such; is more skilled than even Quinn. She's also older than the rest of us, which means that she might think there's a bit of a power imbalance, letting a 17 year old boss her around. But so far, she hasn't shown any problems.

Quinn. She's interesting. Everyone assumes that she's a gamble, but she's probably among the most certain loyalties I've got in this entire building. Raised by Hydra, did their dirty work her teen years, marked by scars from their training. She's got a solid case of mommy issues that can be traced back quite a while, and we've discussed this. A ride or die. She wouldn't ditch.

Each of them lead a team of three others, balanced in terms of ability- both in combat and in powers. My most consistent team would likely be Lincoln, but in terms of raw power it's Quinn. As cliche as it sounds, they all have their benefits. And I'm going to need every inch of it for what we're about to attempt. This is a make-or-break moment in my conquests, and it's gonna tell New S.H.I.E.L.D. that I mean business.

"If anyone wants to chicken out, now is the time," I announce, crossing my arms. "If anyone on your team has any doubts- if you have any doubts," I address my captains.

"Speak now, or hold your peace until, like, this evening," When no one says anything, merely glances amongst themselves, I nod, turning around.

"Your captains know where to go. Follow them, and we'll meet there within the hour,"

I walk out the door, listening to Ray and Quinn immediately begin ordering their crew around, and I'm immediately grabbed and pulled around a corner. I sigh, remembering what happened the last time someone grabbed me, but this time it's a certain brown-haired boy staring down at me. I half-smile, raising my index finger and smoothing out the ridges between James' eyebrows.

"You're going to get wrinkles, darling," I whisper, trying not to draw any attention to us, given that there's people moving around nearby.

"You should stop being so stressful then," He whispers back, tucking a strand of unnaturally white hair behind my ear. Based on the way that little furrow swiftly returns, I think he knows it's recent. Side effect of never having been trained, I don't know how to use my powers without hurting myself. And frankly, I don't have time to learn.

"What's wrong?" I ask, getting to the point. James shrugs, wrapping me in a hug and inhaling deeply.

"Just wanted to see you before you left," He says nonchalantly, but his voice cracks. I grab his forearms and pry him off me. I give him a look that asks again, what's wrong. He sighs, this time shakily, and glances off. "I'm scared, Ross. You haven't pulled anything like this before,"

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