Klaus smirked and pulled me on his lap as we waited on Rebekah. I couldn't help but blush under Klaus' gaze. Klaus then took my chin gently in his hand and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back, it's getting harder and harder to resist him.

"Ugh!" Rebekah groaned walking out of the dressing room now in a nice shirt and pair of shorts. "Nik, why do you always have to show PDA?"

"If you don't like it, go somewhere else." Klaus shrugged.

"Behave, children." I sighed, getting off Klaus' lap. Afterwards we paid for Rebekah and I's clothes, since I wouldn't let Klaus or Rebekah compel anyone, and then we stayed at Gloria's for a bit until Stefan finally showed up.

"You left us." Rebekah frowned.

"Yeah, retail therapy was making my head explode." Stefan sighed.

"Tell me about it." Klaus stated.

"What's she doing?" Stefan asked pointing to Gloria at one of the tables.

"Failing." Klaus frowned.

"It's hard to find something when you have nothing to go on." Gloria frowned.

"So use me." Rebekah said jumping off the bar, going to sit on the table Gloria was at. "I've only wore it for 1,000 years."

"See, now this one offers me a solution." Gloria sighed. "Give me your hand, sweetheart."

"She's, uh, looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan asked making me look at him weirdly. Why would he care?

"I can sense something." Gloria stated before chanting some more. "I found it."

"So where is it?" Rebekah asked.

"It doesn't work like that, she'll get images, not an exact location. She's have to do a whole other spell, but I doubt it has blood in it so we won't be able to find it." I frowned.

"She's right." Gloria nodded. "I only saw a girl with her friends."

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back!" Rebekah hissed.

"I'll have to dive back in to get the details." Gloria stated.

"So dive." Klaus demanded.

"I need more time." Gloria shrugged as Klaus came over to the table. "And space, you're harshing my juju."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed. "You and I both know that's bullshit. Matter of fact, witches tend to work best under pressure."

"You heard my girl." Klaus smirked.

"Hey," Stefan said walking up beside Klaus. "Why don't we just come back later? I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat."

Klaus looked at me then back at Stefan and nodded. After a while we were back at the warehouse. Klaus bought me some food, but watching them feed made me loose my appetite.

"My girls dead, I'm bored." Rebekah frowned.

"You weren't kidding about being hungry." Klaus said to Stefan.

"It's been a long day." Stefan stated.

"Tell me about it." I said uncomfortably as I was surrounded by three corpses.

"Try being related to her." Klaus smirked, nodding towards Rebekah.

"Your being mean." Rebekah pouted as Stefan laughed. "And why are you being mean? You used to love me."

"It's been 90 years Rebekah, give him a minute." Klaus laughed.

"Why are you taking his side?" Rebekah frowned.

"Because, little sister, I feel pitty for any man who doesn't give you what you want."

"Will you stop making me out to be a brat?! I am not a brat!" Rebekah hissed.

"A thousand years experience says otherwise." Klaus smirked.

"You're one to talk." I smirked back. "I mean, with the temper tantrums and all. You're more of a brat than Beckah."

"She's right you know." Stefan agreed. "We only spent, what? 7 months with you and I already feel like I wanna blow my head off."

Rebekah laughed in delight. "Fantastic."

"I need to go." Stefan said dropping his girls corpse on the floor.

"Where's he going?" Rebekah asked.

"To write a name on a wall." Klaus said. "It's a long story."


It's been a few hours and Stefan still hadn't shown up yet and still no word from Gloria. Klaus was getting anxious. I was starting to get a bad feeling about all of this.

"Hey, why don't you and I go check on Gloria while Rebekah waits on Stefan?" I offered.

Klaus nodded and grabbed my hand and we started to walk. About half way there Klaus stopped making me look back and stand in front of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I know your not fond of Gloria, so why would you want to go back?" Klaus asked.

"I'm not gonna lie to you." I shrugged honestly. "I know you killed my sister and turned my aunt, but your still my mate, so I'm going to be completely honest, and it's not gonna gain me point with Stefan and people back at home. But, something is up between Gloria and Stefan, I've had this feeling since Damon showed up here, but I don't know what it is."

"Thank you for being honest, love." Klaus nodded. "Let's hope for Stefan's sake that feeling is wrong."

I nodded and Klaus grabbed me and sped us to Gloria's. The bar was still intact but I couldn't feel the magic from this place anymore.

"It's quiet." Klaus frowned. "Too quiet."

"The magic is gone." I frowned.

"Meaning she left?" Klaus asked.

"No. I think she's dead." I stated.

Klaus looked around the entire bar in order to find something if Gloria left, but my guess was right. Klaus came back and quickly got us to the warehouse when we heard Rebekah and Stefan talking.

"I can always tell when your lying, Stefan." Rebekah stated.

"What, I'm not....."

"Don't bother lying." Rebekah sighed. "Your kiss gave you away."

"Gloria's gone. We need to find a new witch immediately." Klaus stated as we walked in, then saw the tension between the two. "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong, he was asking about Mikael."Rebekah frowned. "He's not with us Nik, I can sense it."

"She's wrong." Stefan frowned. "Klaus....."

Klaus quickly snapped Stefan's neck, making him unconscious.

"Now what to do with you." Rebekah frowned at me.

"Nothing." Klaus told her. "Rosalie was the one who was honest in the first place. On our way to Gloria's she told me she had a feeling Stefan was hiding something, which could also be why Gloria is dead."

"So what do we do now?" Rebekah frowned.

"Back to where it all began." Klaus smirked. "Mystic Falls."

The Hybrid's Mate (A TVD Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now